Am I to late to use FTA from the national guard?


Active member
May 11, 2008
As this was my first time trying to use FTA from the national guard I had gotten approved to use FTA but then you have to upload a document showing your actually in the classes one is taking so i finally did this the other day after going to the VA office and a bunch of other BS that was ridiculous as the community college that i am going to this semester rarely has people from the national guard go to. so after doing all this calling the help desk and i needed to upload the document showing i go to the school and am enrolled in the classes. so after all this i want to finally request TA and it said i was past the 14 days from the classes start date so the question i am asking is it to late to receive FTA and if so should i just use it in the summer and fall semester.

P.s. should i use fafsa this semester as i did last semester as i was not in the National Guard ?