Am I the only one who feels Abe Lincoln deserved to die?


New member
Aug 22, 2008
I mean he was a war criminal who oversaw the brutal slash and burn policy, illegally held onto Fort Sumter forcing the Confederacy to attack and completely violated the right of succession illegally. He didn't even give 2 shits about the blacks who seem to believe he freed them with the Emancipation Proclamation which held no real power when it was signed. To me Booth was a hero.
Fair trial, meh he got his punishment, as long as people are punished whats the big deal with trials?
Booth was a cowardly out-of-work actor who deserved to die, and die he did. Too bad he did not die before taking the life of President Abraham Lincoln. And for the record, Fort Sumter was a federal fort that the South attacked without provocation. Lincoln said he would not order the fort to fire unless fired upon first, and he would have been more generous to the South upon cessation of the Civil War than Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln.
Booth was a cowardly out-of-work actor who deserved to die, and die he did. Too bad he did not die before taking the life of President Abraham Lincoln. And for the record, Fort Sumter was a federal fort that the South attacked without provocation. Lincoln said he would not order the fort to fire unless fired upon first, and he would have been more generous to the South upon cessation of the Civil War than Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln.
In the strict theological sense,we all deserve death and so eventually we all do die.But Lincoln did not deserve to be shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth.I am curious as to your notion of "the right of secession".It is not in the Constitution or any of America's founding documents.So please tell me where you got that.In fact,the Constitution expressly forbids the states to form any confederacy or do any of the other things the Southern states did.The Southern states acted illegally and made war on the North.You guys started it and you lost.You have no grounds to complain about slash and burn tactics or anything else you suffered because it was all your own fault.
Im pretty sure you're not. And either way it doesnt matter anymore, its been over 100 years since he died so what can we do about it.