Am I just sensitive or is this lady always trying to argue with me?


May 13, 2008
she's an acquaintance through tumblr we run similar blogs, but I notice she seems to always be argumentative or trying to tell me how I should be saying things or the littlest of things. I sit there and think how did she get that out of what I said?? For example:
I was having a conversation with another fellow fan of the same band and said: "I kick myself for missing them last year, according to the reviews some were disappointed though."
other fans response: "It's hard to believe that they would ever have a bad show." Me: "Some reviewers said they went so far as to walking out, real fans are there through thick and thin." Argumentative lady: "Past is past. I'm just grateful to be here to enjoy them now. There'll be people born in thirty years time that will here their records and wish they'd been around to see them in concert.And those critics walked the fuck out." I always feel attacked and like she's putting words in my mouth. Everything I say is wrong. Am i just being sensitive? there's plenty more where that came from ^^ it happens nearly every day.
Some people are just assholes.Insane and bitter .Quite mad if u figure them out it would mean ur mad aswell.Merry xmas
It doesn't sound like she's attacking you personally, she's just giving her opinion so you may sensitive in that aspect of it but also people sometimes like to go the opposite of the crowd for some reason or another, probably an ego thing. I deal those types a lot myself, I have a friend who's like that. He loves the Cleveland Browns but if I say something good about the Browns he attacks with negative stuff, if I am negative about the Browns he defends them and attacks the team I like. If I agree with him then he attacks my team l like, I can never have a non-argumentive sports discussion with him unless I don't say anything and just listen. I think in this situation, you have a blog that breeds discussion so this feedback if it bothers you, its is something you have to ignore. Say what you need to say and read her comments and take it for what its worth. Blogs are for discussion, your opinion vs there opinion and depending on how much the topic means to you - you could end up in a debate but the bottom line is you very rarely find someone open minded enough to start the debate on one side of the discussion and end up on the other side - so keep that in mind.