Always Remember me (game) NEED FULL GAME TORRENT!?

If anyone has Higurashi Hou - Onikakushi, could they share V1.08 of it, pretty please :)? I'd be really grateful if anyone could do this, since I'm not old enough to buy games online sadly, and the latest graphics patch requires the latest version of the game...

Btw, Higurashi Hou - Watanagashi is out on Steam, and for those who can't buy stuff online, here's the game: Higurashi When They Cry Hou ? Ch.2 Watanagashi | Eroge Download

Love you guys!
Could you share the persistent of Seasons of the wolf with DLC? Thanks a lot in advance!
Seconding these previous requests:
Beach Bounce (
Divine Slice of Life (
Forget Me Not: My Organic Garden (no vndb link, but on steam)
Notch - The Innocent LunA: Eclipsed SinnerS (
Oblivious Garden ~Carmina Burana (
Sound of Drop - fall into poison - (

Adding a new request:
Cured Sight (no vndb link, but on steam)

Game on the request list that can be DLed:
Gaokao.Love.100Days (
http://rutracker(dot)org/forum/viewtopic(dot)php?t=5017644 (You have to register an account at rutracker before you can get the torrent link, and for any wondering I've never had an issue with anything from rutracker)
Seconding these previous requests:
Beach Bounce (
Divine Slice of Life (
Forget Me Not: My Organic Garden (no vndb link, but on steam)
Notch - The Innocent LunA: Eclipsed SinnerS (
Oblivious Garden ~Carmina Burana (
Sound of Drop - fall into poison - (

Adding a new request:
Cured Sight (no vndb link, but on steam)

Game on the request list that can be DLed:
Gaokao.Love.100Days (
http://rutracker(dot)org/forum/viewtopic(dot)php?t=5017644 (You have to register an account at rutracker before you can get the torrent link, and for any wondering I've never had an issue with anything from rutracker)

I cant find that that Cured Sight but i think you mean this http : // erogedownload . com/ downloads/cursed-sight/
Gaokao.Love.100Days http : // erogedownload . com /downloads/gaokao-love-100-days/
Brilliant Shadows http : // erogegames . com/ eroge-visual-novels/eroge-requests/4116-brilliant-shadows-part-1-a/#post75649
I would like to request High School Romance: ( http :/ /store . steampowered . com/app/398100/) as well as Midnight's Blessing 2.

Thank You in advance!
Hi there, steamkeyanon is back with more gifts ^_^

Wild Island Quest - Steam key (2 copies)
Deadlands Noir - That Old Time Religion - Steam key (2 copies)
Eve: Burst Error - Desura key

Email steamkeyanon (at) yandex (dot) com. One per person, first come first serve.
Hi there, steamkeyanon is back with more gifts ^_^

Wild Island Quest - Steam key (2 copies)
Deadlands Noir - That Old Time Religion - Steam key (2 copies)
Eve: Burst Error - Desura key

Email steamkeyanon (at) yandex (dot) com. One per person, first come first serve.
Thank you so much for this!! It's like an early Christmas gift ^_^ I sent you an e-mail just now, hope I could get That Old Time Religion!
Here's another Steam key for Epic Quest of the 4 Crystals: XMKYE-IA8V2-NCHR
IndieGala Monday bundle for $1.89

Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan
Momodora III
Beach Bounce
Divine Slice of Life
Last Days of Spring Visual Novel
Orion: A Sci-Fi Visual Novel
Sword of Asumi - Deluxe Edition

I own some of those already, so email steamkeyanon (at) yandex (dot) com if you would like:
Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan
Last Days of Spring Visual Novel
Sword of Asumi - Deluxe Edition

I've also still got Wild Island Quest and an key for A Wild Catgirl Appears!
IndieGala Monday bundle for $1.89

Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan
Momodora III
Beach Bounce
Divine Slice of Life
Last Days of Spring Visual Novel
Orion: A Sci-Fi Visual Novel
Sword of Asumi - Deluxe Edition

I own some of those already, so email steamkeyanon (at) yandex (dot) com if you would like:
Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan
Last Days of Spring Visual Novel
Sword of Asumi - Deluxe Edition

I've also still got Wild Island Quest and an key for A Wild Catgirl Appears!
Thanks for the info as always, Steamkeyanon! :)

By the way, would you be willing for others who you've given Steam keys to perhaps share their games with others who didn't get a chance to get a key (through, um, not legal means)? Of course, you're the one to whom they owe those games to, but it's just a pity that others can't enjoy from playing them too.

Whatever answer you give, I'll respect it - and if this post comes off as offensive, please forgive me as that is not my intention, I just want to share the games you've given some of us (including me too) with others, though I know this might hurt the game developers, so I would like to know your opinion since you're a great guy :)

Oh, but I really appreciate your incentive of sharing games through legal means which help the developers, especially since people like me do not have the means to purchase them and you've honestly helped out a lot. Really, thanks, I appreciate it - please don't stop doing this either unless it comes off as a burden to you one day.
They're not my games, so it's not my business to tell you what you can and can't do with them, is the answer advised to me by my legal department.*

*May or may not consist solely of my cats.
Dahlia is finally on ED!!! http : // erogedownload . com / downloads / dahlia /

And Highschool Romance is also on ED