Alt F4


Mar 6, 2008
So how did you fall for it? Or how did you get somebody else to fall for it? Come on people, don't be embarrassed, let's share
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:34 am: For example, Pond, hit Alt-F4!
[Lily] 2:34 am: Hey pac r u already making fun of me/]
[Sparkle] 2:34 am: So I did it on AOL and it closed the currently open screen . . .oooooh.
[Sparkle] 2:34 am: But if you don't have a screen open (as I learned doing it to my lil bro) it disconnects you : D
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:34 am: No really Pond, do it. It opens up the secret options page.
[Lily->LilBunnyRabbit] 2:35 am: good boy, I won't say anymore
[Pacificshore] 2:35 am: no, lily....they r tryin to make fun of me.....but thanks 2 u its not workin
[Sparkle] 2:35 am: Alt F4 reveals all the hidden fatalities in mortal combat!
[Sparkle] 2:35 am: Woo hoo.
[The Padded Room]: Pacificshore has left at 2:35 am
[watto86] 2:35 am: lol
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:35 am: See, he pressed it.
[comaboy] 2:01 am: the one about revealing the hidden chat text when ou press alt and F4 together in the chat room?
[angacam] 2:01 am: what flavor?
[Victoria] 2:01 am: huh?
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:01 am: I know all, I see all, and I sell all that I see for a reasonable price on live webcam sites.
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:01 am: Don't do it Vic, trust me.
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:01 am: 104 messages, deleted, only 94 to go.
[The Padded Room]: Victoria has left at 2:01 am
[comaboy] 2:01 am: that never gets old
[The Padded Room]: Victoria has entered at 2:01 am
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:01 am: I did warn you.
[Victoria] 2:01 am: stands in a corner and sulks
[angacam] 2:01 am: LMAO
[comaboy] 2:01 am: sits in the corner in shame. Giggling.
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:01 am: There we go, empty inbox.
[Victoria] 2:01 am: I can't belieeeeeve I fell for that. I used to do that to newbies in a chat I used to go in
[comaboy] 2:05 am: Alt + F4 speeds your pc up
[Lily] 2:05 am: Don't play with me!
[The Padded Room]: Lily has left at 2:05 am
[comaboy] 2:05 am:
[LilBunnyRabbit] 2:06 am: ...tell me she didn't...
[comaboy] 2:06 am: that was great
[The Padded Room]: Sparkle has left at 2:06 am
[Kraken] 2:07 am: wow someones gulible
Lmao, thats mean
I had someone in a chat room one day threaten me with one of those packaged ping program thingy's, he kept asking me for my ip address so I told him it was
Poof, he dissapeared
LilBunnyRabbit - you didn't get my consent to post that session up. I'll never trust you again

You guys tried it on me in chat too - but I work IT support so it didnt happen I learned it in school as a kid to torment chat rooms of the IRC type
Where oh where do I start!!!!!
I think I've been had,ooh about 3 times now!
I did manage to get someone with it but wasnt impressed and called us all ideots!!(Yes thats the correct spelling!)
LOL .... its the ip address for yourself. or Localhost. If he sent a virus to that address, he just killed his own machine