Alex Ovechkin comes close to scoring from seat of his pants (VIDEO)


Jun 17, 2007
Alex Ovechkin scored the opening goal for the Washington Capitals as they were able to stave off elimination and force a Game 7 with a 2-1 win over the New York Rangers. The goal was Ovechkin's 30th career postseason tally, tying him with Peter Bondra for the franchise record.

A maker of many highlight-reel goals, Ovechkin had an opportunity in the third period to add to his long list of YouTube memories with this spectacular individual effort:

This wouldn't have been Ovechkin's first goal while down on the ice. You'll remember his tally against the Phoenix Coyotes in Jan. 2006 that has topped numerous "Best Goal" lists over the past six years.

While it might not have ended up success, it surely qualifies in the top-5 attempts of the season.

Follow Sean Leahy on Twitter at @Sean_Leahy

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