Airplane on a Conveyor Belt on Mythbusters

It terms of the direction of the airplane is traveling then it is actually horizontal drag. The drag only acts in one direction, so you can try to change the angle of the plane all you want, but the drag will only act in the opposite direction the plane is traveling, not vertically and horizontally.
Originally Posted by The_Hawk
20. Aeronautics. the aerodynamic force exerted on an airfoil, airplane, or other aerodynamic body that tends to reduce its forward motion.

So if the plain's forward motion is downward (as if you rotated the picture) than DRAG would be the force that reduces it forward motion... therefore I am still correct. Drag can be vertical.
Okay. Because you twisted words so much, yes. It can be vertical. But then the plane will crash and everybody will die.
Now you need to explain how drag causes lift.
You're just twisting things around. Yes, you can consider it vertical drag, but it terms of the plane traveling in a straight line from left to right. The drag will act to the right while the plane's forward motion is to the left then there is no drag acting upwards, so there is no vertical drag. You're just twisting things around, so it sounds right to you, but it is not actually vertical if you think of the plane as traveling on a straight line. The straight line can be rotated anyway.
Upward drag? Are you fucking kidding me? Now you're just making shit up. If it's upward, then it's not opposing motion because that's the way that the plane is moving.
damn, you guys are still discussing this??? it's been 2years now, get over it, no one fucking cares.
and just to add and make everyone complain, the plane would take off.
The weight of the plane causes the plane to fall. The force of the drag causes it to lift.

The force of the thrust causes the plane to move left and right and the force of the drag causes it slow.


EDIT: If you are on a convayer belt than the movement left and right wont matter. All that matters is the drag on the bottom of the wing caused by the propells thrust.
but once it starts rising, it's no longer drag, now is it? Because the plane's motion is now vertical. Therefore, since it's not opposing motion, it's no long er drag.
Hmmmm, i think i get what you are saying.

But then what causes lift?

It cant be thrust because thrust is left and right and lift is up and down?
What causes lift is the high pressure air on the bottom of the wing rushing to equalize the lower pressure air on the top of the wing. I already explained this.
Bernoulli's Principle. The air flowing over the top of the wing is flowing much faster than the air on the underside of the wing, so the air pressure below the wing is much higher than the air pressure above the wing.
Ok i knew that second half, but isnt the high pressure (on the bottom) caused by air resistance (or fuild air pressure)?
I believe, not 100% on this, that it's just the direction of the airflow about the wing rather than that actual resistance between the air and the wing.