Adding a 2nd hard drive and cd/DVD drive?


New member
Feb 11, 2013
We had an old hp pavilion from 2007 give or take a year and I wanted to add the terabyte hard drive and the cdrw/DVD drive in as well maybe even a stick of ram to the new hp pavilion. They both use DDR3 ram it's just the new one started with 10 GB and the old had 6 GB.. New brand has an M on the stick and old has Samsung.. As for the drives I have two SATA slots on the board BUT the plugs in the new PC has another plug branching off of it.. (Theres the wide plug and small plug, Its the wide plug fyi) Could I just plug those in on the new drive and everything be good or do they need their own cords? Wide and small? Or maybe just the small ones since the wide plug has a conjoined twin hanging off him lol thanks for the help I'm not to great with comps I knew how to change parts a loooong time ago now there's wires everywhere and more know how well than I know how..