According to religions marriage is only for producing children?


May 25, 2008
let me give you a small story from the Bible about how God cursed onan for spilling his sperm on the floor instead of having sex with his dead brothers wife and using that sperm to make her pregnant

How can modern people hold onto such wrong ideas when an union between 2 grown ups are more about sexual therapy rather than producing babies like a meat processing machine?

What do you think?
I think that both of your views, are somewhat, tainted. (no offence intended). The story of Onan was a lesson for those, at that particular time, that not listening to God's instructions, has dire consequences. Onan was told to impregnate his dead brother's wife but decided to let the floor be the means of delivery for his sperm rather than, his brother's wife. Marriage is not necessarily intended to be exclusively for making babies but for being married. There are many couples, who cannot have children and are married. Marriage is for the human expression of love and sex is one method of love through sexual expression.
According to some religions marriage is a holy bond between a man and a women.
in those days the people had an inheritance and no social security.. Who would take care her when she was old? the duty of the Child was to look after the parents.. the family unit was the core of civilized people. The duty of the brother was not producing meat but a living heir and a continuation of the name of the brother and one to keep and produce the inheritance God provided for the family. If Onan wanted to refuse this duty he could have ..he waited till he was in the middle of it and his thought was selfish and evil. He was an example ...Look a the book of Ruth.. their was a relative closer than Boaz and he passed the responsibility to Boaz..
As always you tell half the story and use it to promote your lesbian ideals.

He was cursed for disobeying God.

Why are lesbians so completely obtuse when it comes to understanding anything outside their vagina?
Actually that's only true of Abrahamic religions.

Hundreds of other religions make no such claim.
No, marriage is so much more than that. Christians know that marriage is the type of relationship we have with God that starts now and lasts for eternity. Marriage is for enjoying each other and sharing experiences. So is our relationship with God.
Some religious people or theist do think marriage is only for producing children yes. which means if the couple is infertile then the marriage is often not recognised or a bad marriage. Or if the people involved do not want kids then there is something wrong.

It is all about power, if a couple have kids and bring then into a church or religion more power more people to control.

It is bogus, marriage between any one should eb about love and should be every persons right regardless of sex of partner and should not be just about producing kids.
People are free to hold their own opinions. When their opinions infringe on the happiness or well-being of others, it usually leads to bloodshed. Sometimes I think the people who are being infringed upon wait far too long before beginning the bloodletting.