a. Would you cheat on your spouse if you had the opportunity to spend the night...


New member
Jan 7, 2009
...with a celebrity? b. what if it were a c-list celebrity?
c. what celebrity would you cheat with no matter what??
d. If yes, would you tell your spouse or keep it to yourself?
e. If you are open minded, what celebrity/celebrities would you let your spouse cheat with??
A. If I were married, I would want to cheat with the celebrity, but I probably wouldn't do it.

B. No

C. Channing Tatum

D. keep it to myself

E. don't know. Not married.
I would never cheat on my spouse. Ever.

But since I'm not married, I'll gladly take Pierce Brosnan.
I would never cheat, I love my hubby way too much and I would never let him cheat & get away with it, I would leave him.