A sincere pleasant evening greeting Hockey section...?


New member
Nov 23, 2011
First off, I'd like to apologize to Beautiful troll for copying your profile picture and user name. It's just that, I got so jealous of Camilla and Machinehead, that I lost control of myself. After all, you were spreading rumors about them having so much fun and all.. You know what, never mind; I apologize.

Anyways, who thinks the Nashville Predators will continue to dominate the Ducks until the end of the season? Jordan Tootoo is an amazing player. I hope he doesn't agitate the Ducks to a point where they try to escape to Quebec City, eh?

BQ: Do you forgive me, hockey section?
Thanks Bobob.

Oh look, what do we have here? Beautiful troll posting with a copycat version of my account? C'mon man, I said I was sorry!
@P.K you threatened to call the cops on me because I said I don't think P.K is that great of a player & you thought I was racist... So I think you should get your head out of your ass and reliaze P.K isn't as great as you think.

I don't go that way, bud, so whatever you're looking for cannot be found with me. I'd recommend, oh, I don't know, San Francisco for starters..

The real AnImpactPlayer can always be identified from the faux version based on many subtle and not-so-subtle-hints, for whomever is actually believing this melodramatic, creepfest saga that is the fake me.
@Animpactplayer, I would suggest Palm Springs way before San Francisco...
Okay. Fine... Now I forgive you, be a nice person on hockey section and never troll again. I know that there are pretty girls like Camilla, Kay and Kesler forever on our section. This makes some people envy, but honestly, I'm happy to have them around.
I'm starting to think the same Shadow.....I know who is NOT the Beautiful Troll account.

.....Okay where did Shadows answer go? They said PK could possibly be behind all of this mess

And now it's fairly obvious that they are right since his answer is gone now

Simple...because you used to be a troll anyways in the summer that is. And it's not like you try to be liked anyways....you call people racist that don't agree with you. Anybody with a brain knows that's retarted. You've called out users before that are regulars and well, the Troll account has called out those users as well. Even if Shadow and I are wrong on this maybe this will be a wake up call

Totally not true....You called one of the regulars racist for saying something that has nothing to do with PK. And you can say all you want my head is in my ass I honestly don't care....I respect everyone's valid opinions on here...including yours when it comes to hockey. But you call people out all the fricken time and it's quite annoying