A sci fi story for your consideration..."The Time Traveler"?


New member
May 27, 2008
Tom Roberts walking down the street, thinking his usual thoughts, that at 50 he had a nowhere job and a nowhere life to go with it and it was highly unlikely to change. In other words he was doing what most of us do from time to time, feeling sorry for himself.

Tom look up to see a strange man wearing a very strange outfit, running up to him.

"Roberts? Tom Roberts is this really you?" the man shouted. "... Yes." Tom said, more than a little scared. "Thank you! I had to come back in time to meet you and tell how much you and what you did will mean to me & millions, no billions of people yet born."

Tom look at him with totally confuse..I..I've haven't done any thing." "What do you mean you haven't done any... wait,' the man look around. "What year is this?' "Ugh...2013." "Oh Roberts," The man seared, "the machine made a mistake, this is the wong year!" "Look for your sake and the sake of millions of others forget you ever saw me!"

The man than touch something in his hand and very bright light surrounded him and he simply disappear, leaving a very scare and stun Tom standing there.

2454 the man pop back to the collage campus laughing with his mates who were waiting for him laughing just as hard. "That was fun, the poor sap." "Jennine, how your research you got another nobody we can play with?" "Yes a woman , I want to do it this time, Bob."

Before Bob could answer the professor walk in and saw they had the time machine on. "Damn it, you're not playing you games again, you know it's illegal!" "Oh it does no harm & it's all in fun." Bob said.

"Maybe, but we'll discussed this latter, for now I'm already late for church." prof. said. "What church? There are no more churches." Bob said. "What are you talking about?" "The Church of Roberts, I go every day. As we all must. Now come along or you'll be arrested." Prof. said shaking his head leaving a very stun and scared Bob standing there.