A question about civil laws versus religious laws: when is it right, in your...


New member
Jun 16, 2008
...opinion, to legislate religion? Now, I know we have freedom of religion in America, and this is a very important right, as is the Separation of church and state. However, it seems that many political issues lately have a religious backing, and I am just wondering, when in your mind, it is right to legislate religion, and if we do, whose religion do we choose?

For example: Gay marriage: This is an inherently religious issue for a lot of the supporters of it (I said a lot, not all) and most cite that it is an abomination in the sight of YHWH.

Abortion and stem cell research: Often (not always) have a religious backing, because people believe a soul or live begins at conception, which is contrary to some religion's beliefs.

The war: Some groups are conscientious objectors for religious reasons, others are not.

Where does this stop? For example, something like proselytizing is an abomination to my religion, but if I made a bill to eliminate it I would be accused and rightly so, for trying to infringe on religious
freedoms, and rightly so. Is it ever right? Or is it right when it agrees with your religion or lack thereof?

Just a question.
And, if you don't mind, please include your religious and/or spiritual beliefs and/or lack thereof if you answer, for interest's sake.
Golah: We are not a democracy, and democracy was formed by the Greeks, before the time of Jesus.
Rich W: I am not attacking anyone's religion, I'm merely posing a question. Homosexuality is wrong by your morality, not others--and as far as "unnatural" it can be observed in many animal species. That's all I will say. This is not a question about gay marriage or abortion, this is a question about legislating religion. I'm merely using these as examples.