A little confused with this and its to long to be on the question part lol?


May 19, 2008
Ok first of im gonna say im a christian im not one of those hobo christians that bash athiest and try to enforce the bible but i just wanna ask u athiests a question... Ive heard some athiest say this and im gonna answer them" how absurd is it to think that God can create itself First im gonna say that if its so stupid to think that a God can create itself then y isnt it crazy to think that a universe can be created with a bang? and then i wanna say that athiests think that people made up christianity.. Y would someone do that u ask? Here is the answer i get from athiest: people made it up to explain the way that volcanos were made and how gravity works and now that we have a thing called "science" we can answer those ourselves. Why would someone make up something that will lead them to a life of persacution and torture? I do not have anything personal against athiest in fact i am friends with alot of athiest but i just know what my God did for me so im just gonna listen to what he says and not man. Sry that this is so long... I hope athiests do not take any offense to this im not not trying to make enemies i respect them:) but i just wanted to ask this.. Thanks and God bless