A Letter To Iran V2

... which was the last time iran held an ellection..

brb, got a pm, probally got an infaction on how im being racist....
Presidential election, yes. Legislative election, no. If you're talking about Ahmedinejad then I guess that's relevant, but the article is still a third-hand source.
Define: Electoral Process - "An election is a decision making process where people choose people to hold official offices"

Iran is a theocracy, not a dictatorship, do you know what a theocracy is? The president (sits under the Ayatollah - do you know who that is?) is popularly elected (know what that is?), and serves a limited number of terms (do you know what a term is?). The rather suspect part of this is the fact that there is a screening process for president - you must be a popular political figure. You can argue whether or not they're a democracy (know what that is?) till you're blue in the face.

And I feel sorry for you if the extent by which you understand foreign governments and the way they work is a single sentence from a White House press statement.

Define: Terrorism - "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies"
Of course, letting the Pakistanis protect themselves from the Soviet Union was a complete act of terrorism.
I'm sad they let ignorant people like you actually leave the country.

edit: and if you want to talk about Duarte look up the El Mozote Massacre. Duarte was supported by Reagan - not because he was "middle of the road" - but because Reagan was so blindly anti-commie that he couldn't realize how stupid it was to fund such a brutal regime.
He means that people like you give America a bad name overseas.

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Military affiliation, if you have one. It bothers me that someone so ignorant about our country and others would actually be given a gun and the responsibility to make grave decisions with said weapon, all with our flag sewed onto his arm.
i wrote this letter with the intention to humor st. it was purposely ignorant and inmature, do i actually believe this about iran? i dont care about fuckin iran.
although i enjoyed the one sided debate where i lost..