a game similar to Raiden, playable on the ps2?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
Its just like the Raiden series, vertical overhead shoot em ups, but you couldn't select your plane. In the game there is co-op, Red being 1st player and Blue being the 2nd player. There were three modes of fire your plane can shoot: 1) Machine Gun ( when upgrading it shots become bigger, turn to big red balls, and spray becomes wider ) 2) Missiles ( when upgrading you get more missiles that shoot and home in on an enemy ) 3) Electrocution ( shots are bolts of electricity and fired in a spray, that hits enemies and then transfers to hit others behind them ). You can obtain these power ups through boxes that can be obtained by killing enemies. Three different Bombs types were also in the game. It depended on the mode of fire you selected. There are three but i can only remember two, one would be a big explosion right in front of your plane and the other being a large beam shooting to the top of the screen. The last thing I can remember was the different modes you can play. One included a "scary mode" ( I guess ) that will make the entire screen more dark and audio is changed to a "creepy" sounds. Some sounds were, when enemies are shot down they make a kind of screaming noise.

That is pretty much all I can remember about this game. It's been killing me for the last 2 weeks trying to remember it. If you know anything similar to this please list it out because anything can help. Thanks! :D