A former City lawyer has launched a £5m damages claim against a Jesuit-run school?


New member
Aug 7, 2008

The priest who is at the centre of the accusation is dead, is there any possibility of the truth emerging in this case and justice served ?
ok, one how apart from forensic investigation can u ask the dead questions, what they gonna hold a seance in court, two, if an accused can't reply its just one side of the coin, even if other colleagues can fill in some of the blanks, and three is the search for what i see asvengeancee long after someone has died just miss directed anger answer these and you have an answer which i can't be bothered to work out as I'm off to the women's volleyball cya.
Nothing new not sure how far or how much hell get but no where near 5 million or well all say we where fondled by a priest!!:D
There are two reasons why the truth will not come out, first you have a city lawyer who like all lawyers only lie when there lips move and a member of the church and we all know have they close ranks.
Good on him.

Anyone who brings these cases to light deserves to be applauded.
The Catholic church swept all of these cases under the carpet in the 1970´s. And there were many of them. Priests who " misbehaved" were sent away from the Parish to some rehabilitation centre in the south of England and then just moved around different parts of the country.

So many were never brought to justice. Society was different three decades ago. Adults who knew what was going on were afraid to speak against the might of the Catholic church.

These days they´d be lynched.
It's a tough one this. my initial reaction( shamefully ..prob cos he is lawyer) is to scoff and be irritated by his claims of how it affected his life.

However there is very little chance of such systematic abuse not having any detrimental effect.It must have been horrific but I can't see how successful the litigation can be if the perpetrator is dead.

There is no doubt the abuse at this time was endemic in the Catholic church and i suppose it was only a matter of time before the UK aped the US lawsuits

I think the real purpose of this case is to open the floodgates rather than individual justice for this particular man...I wonder if he will put himself forward as an ideal candidate to represent future plaintiffs? or am i being a cynical cow?