a dad who gossips about you? ever had that?


May 21, 2008
ugh i hate my dad he gossips behind my back and i actually hear him phucking douchhhe. ever happened to you before?
Wow, no. I've never had this happen before. I don't think parents should be "gossiping" about their children like high schoolers.
He needs to grow up, because parents arent supposed to gossip about their children thats pathetic, fake, rude, disrespectful and all types of wrong.
no i never heard my dad gossip about me, he was an alcoholic and the only thing that came out of his mouth was "get me a beer". It's horrible that your dad gossips behind your back and with him being the adult and the parent he is going to kill your self esteem and pride and you do not deserve that at all. I think the only way your going to break him of doing that to you is to confront him when you hear him gossiping on you or start keeping a journal, leave it out in the open where he will read it and make sure you put some strong statements in the journal like.... " I heard my dad gossiping about me and it broke my heart..... I do not understand how he could be so mean to say things behind my back.

On a more positive note, Lift up your spirits and be proud of yourself for who you are and ignore his childish gossip , obviously he is the one who has the issues, not you.
How old are you . . . This is a phase and pretty soon you will realise how much you love your dad.hang in there

No, my mom and my aunt like to smack talk me, all the time.

Then they play the manipulation game where supposedly I'm crazy for being frustrated and letting them know how I feel about it.

I know the difference between smacking talking, and talking about your kids being bratty.