A coworker sent an email to me in which he advises someone about nutrition.?


New member
Dec 17, 2010
The person he was advising complains about getting sick when he eats grapes.
He talks about the antioxidant quality of grapes and says that what happens is a "sick process", because large amounts of toxins are leaving the body.
I've heard of this reasoning before regarding pseudosciences like homeopathy, that you are more sick because it's working. Where online can I find more information about this medical fallacy? I want to be prepared if I debate him on this.
I am not trying to take away his opinion by debating. And the reason that people feel worse is perhaps because homeopatneuroticwork. Time can cure many ills without drugs if given enough time. That does not proove anything about homeopathy.
If you can provide information about clinical double blind studies that show otherwise please send the link.
This question is aimed at those who deal with real science please.
Why do you need to debate him on this issue. It's only his opinion and he is just trying to help someone. I have been seeing naturopaths for 30 years and I swear by them. And what he says is true, sometimes when you take homeopathic drops or herbal remedies they can make you feel worse for a few days throughout the cleansing process but this is always followed by feeling way better than you did in the first place. Maybe you should let him keep his opinion and you keep your opinion so you can both offer your opinions to other people giving them a choice in which way they want to heal themselves. Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing.