9 years on...

I was in class. Some kid rushes in to tell my teacher to turn on the TV (in response to the first plane crash). I saw the 2nd tower hit live.

At my next class, I asked my teacher "did you hear that terrorists have flown planes into the world trade center?" He thought I was telling a joke...
Horrid event in history killing tons of people and all you can do is bash the former president?
I can't help but get a pang in my heart whenever I see the towers in those establishing shots in Friends and a lot of movies that use the same shot. However funny or whatever the movie is, it's like seeing the sun between trees when I see the towers and I think of what happened, it cuts right through the mood of the movie.
Watching the news footage fully for the first time and it defiantly hits better now I'm older. Wierd watching it and no one knowing it was a terror attack

For people who understood it at the time did you expect it to become the world changing event it did?

EDIT: Quick 2nd question, how come on the bbc feed the reportefs are oblivious to the second plane impact?
I was sick from school, lying on the sofa. My dad phoned from work and told me just to turn the TV on. I don't think I slept for 2 nights
Yeah, definitely! America is very good at righteous anger and this was one occasion when the righteous anger was justified. They had been attacked. Innocent people had been murdered in the name of some stupid religion. It was absolutely clear that someone was going to get bombed to oblivion, it was just a matter of waiting to see who.

I suspect that the footage was being blue-screened onto the backdrop there so the news anchor woman couldn't actually see it. The outside broadcast guy was aware that there was a second explosion but I guess was busy reporting so didn't see the plane.
I definitely saw it as a world-changing event. It certainly shifted the course of my life. I was just starting my second year at college (doing A-Levels), and it was about three days after 9/11 that, much to the disdain of my family and tutors, I decided I was going to enlist into the military.

And we all know how that one turned out...
I was in science class in sixth grade. Teacher put it on television, stopped class. We had students who had family in the towers or on the planes removed from class.
I was in work and a colleague came in to tell us that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Centre. We spent most of the rest of the day watching what was happening on the internet. I think it was that day that brought home how the internet, and modern communication systems in general, make the world seem so small, as they allow instantaneous transfer of news and information.

A friend of mine was on a plane, half way across the Atlantic, on her way back to West Virginia from Scotland when it happened. She was diverted to Newfoundland, and her and her young son spent 4 or 5 days in a school building due to the grounding of flights!
I was waiting to catch a bus out of school, a guy in my year came by and said that a plane had been flown into the twin towers.

I didn't flat out disbelieve him, but I wasn't too convinced either.

Wasn't mentioned on the bus really. When I got home,flicked on the tv to check & figured that the guy had probably been telling the truth (emergency news on every channel).

The individual tragedies didn't hit me much, I was thinking about whether the towers were likely to stay up, the death toll that would result in, who on earth would organise this kind of thing, whether it would hit the economy at all... I only focused on this as the first move in something larger for international diplomacy, economy & New York
Oh I remembered the event. I never just bashed the prez, dont worry about that. They held a 2 min silence outside the univ near our clock tower and there were hundreds od people there, thousand actually and I was there. They did the same thing in 2002 and again I was there.

I also volunteered at university in 2001 for to donate supplies, money, support, etc to the people who were stranded in my province when the planes were stopped.

So no dont think i only bashed the prez I was heavily involved during this time.
Be that as it may, bringing petty political attacks into a thread such as this is inappropriate. We're mourning and discussing an attack that killed thousands of innocent people, and all you can do is bring up one of your usual attacks against Bush. There is something much greater (in importance) then Bush being discussed here.
isn't bombing people into oblivion to put it simply the reason America drew this kind of attention in the first place, isn't that the reason the west still continues to draw this kind of attention. I'm not saying these attacks were justified far from it but no matter how many innocent people died it doesn't justify the killing of other innocent people (which was ultimately the result)
I'd just got back from a heavy few days in Amsterdam and caught it on the news about an hour after getting home. I remember finding it quite surreal.
yes that man deserves no criticism what so ever simply because he was Americas leader through a major crisis.
I got in from school and it was on tv. I remember saying the old "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant" line as I realised straight away that it would probably become a "Pearl Harbour moment".
No, I'm more than happy to insult him but snipes aren't necessary on a thread about a tragedy involving the death of thousands. By all means rip into him over Iraq or whatever but not in what is essentially a RIP thread
I was back at home watching it on TV. After seeing those people jumping off the building,.. I was upset for days...