3000 steps in 30 minutes: How to get fit


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Jun 18, 2007
3000 steps in 30 minutes: How to get fit
[SIZE=-1]Want to get the most out of your pedometer? Try walking 3,000 steps in 30 minutes. By walking in those increments at least five days a week, most Americans would meet the government?s recommended fitness guidelines, according to a study published this week in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults get at least two and a half hours of moderate aerobic activity each week for at least 10 minutes at a time. Brisk walking is an easy way to reach that goal. But it?s not always easy for people to tell if their pace is fast enough. Moderate activity should allow you to talk comfortably as you walk but cause you to be too out of breath to sing. But that's just one measure to follow, and I for one have never hummed a few bars to confirm my activity level whilst out on a stroll.
Another way to quantify your daily exercise is to use a pedometer to count to 10,000 steps taken. That?s not a bad starting point, but it doesn't necessarily help you meet the fitness guideline. All those steps you take to and from the printer or water cooler during your workday may show up on your pedometer, but they are not likely to really help you meet your physical activity mark. That?s because moderate exercise needs to last for at least 10 minutes or so before you start reaping its benefits. And everybody's steps are different; one person?s moderate pace may be another?s leisurely stroll.

That's why this finding is so helpful. Researchers found little difference among genders and weight, meaning that pretty much anyone can benefit from walking 3,000 steps for 30 minutes a day. The researchers commented that step-counters generally have a high rate of error, so this recommendation should not be seen as a precise criterion for moderate activity. It is, however, a worthwhile fitness goal.
?Kevin McCarthy, associate editor*

To find the best pedometer, see our Ratings*(subscribers only). And see other easy ways to get more out of your walking workout.
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