2000 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Check Engine Light and more...?


New member
Oct 14, 2008
A few days ago, I noticed that my airbag light was staying on a little longer than normal. At the same time, the speedometer and RPM gages weren't working either. As the airbag light turned off, the gages then began to work.

The following night as I was leaving for work, this happened again. But this time while driving the check engine light came on, with a "no bu5" or "no buS" code appearing in the digital odometer space. (Not sure about the code 5/S since on the digital, they appear the same.) This happened for a minute or two, then everything was fine and went back to normal. No check engine light, no airbag light and the gages were then working.

I recently had the Jeep inspected, with no problems. It runs and drives great. So, before I take it back to the garage, does anyone have an idea as to what it might be? I was thinking one of the sensors....

Any help and comments are appreciated! Thank you in advance!