10PTS! Last question, please describe this scene?


New member
Jul 19, 2011
Hey guys, if you have noticed that this question kept repeating every day, I am very sorry. Do not worry. This will be the last question about this topic, so I am hoping for good answers. I hope you understand. I am just having difficulties writing the first paragraph of my short story about zombies.

I just need help describing the scene where a patient named Brenda awoke in the ICU. She was weak and dying from an unknown disease. The doctor was surprised when he went inside. A nurse showed him the patient's blood test result. Brenda has only one hour left to live, so the doctor decided to use The Cure. However, the poor patient never loosed hope, and the doctor can see it in her eyes.

Main Character: Dr. McBride (a doctor who desperately used The Cure to save Brenda's life).
Point of View: First-person (Dr. McBride is the one talking in his own perspective in the whole story). The story is in Dr. McBride's point of view.
Setting: Brookvale Hospital
Time: Midnight (12:00 PM)
Genre: Zombie Story
Ideas: It would be great to describe the scene when the doctor walks through the hallway before entering Brenda's room. Please make it a little bit scary.
Type of Story: Short Story

Please help me guys. I swear I will never ask this same question again. I will write the rest of my story myself if I finish writing this scene. Again, this is a ZOMBIE STORY. To make it clearer, read my plot below:

there is a girl in the ER and its her final hour and the doc decides to use the cure as a last resort and then after shes treated shes seems getting better and put in a recovery room and this is all happeing at midnight and most of the staff went home and only a couple of nurses and doctors are still in and suddenly the powers cut due to a rain storm out side and the doctor goes to check on the "cured" paitent and fines shes not in the bed but instead sees a nurse being eaten inside out with that horrible chewing noise when a zombie is eating and then suddenly she notices the doctor which is turning around to run but she jumps him and you just hear a a brief screaming which repeats getting softer and theen it goes to a blank screen

NOTE: By the way, the doctor was so desperate that he used an experimental drug to "cure" Brenda. Little did he know, The Cure only made her disease worse and turned her into a zombie. He did not know it would not work.

Thank you very much! :)
there is a girl in the ER and its her final hour and the doc decides to use the cure as a last resort and then after shes treated shes seems getting better and put in a recovery room and this is all happeing at midnight and most of the staff went home and only a couple of nurses and doctors are still in and suddenly the powers cut due to a rain storm out side and the doctor goes to check on the "cured" paitent and fines shes not in the bed but instead sees a nurse being eaten inside out with that horrible chewing noise when a zombie is eating and then suddenly she notices the doctor which is turning around to run but she jumps him and you just hear a a brief screaming which repeats getting softer and theen it goes to a blank screen
" This will be the last question about this topic"
" I swear I will never ask this same question again."

You said this yesterday too. Why would we believe you this time?

Go find a different hobby, if you don't want to write.
