
  1. E

    What are topics that are interesting to do research on (ww2 related)?

    At least 3 interesting topics and a few sentences on what its about.
  2. A

    Occultism is real. Hitler used it in WW2 to determine the positions of British boats?

    In WW2, British were cracking down on German U-Boats. Hitler determined it was the Rose Lodge of Freemasonry determining where his U-Boats were. In a counter, he used an Occultic Pendulum and determined the positions of British boats with ease after use. Also, Freemasons of any type were...
  3. C

    Anyone here heard of Roger Lafond, WW2 French soldier who is grandmaster of Savate

    and saved Savate from dying? Although we generally think of martial arts as an Asian only phenomenon, every country had its own special martial art and France is no exception with its martial art style savate. The most famous currently living figure of Savate is Professeur Roger Lafond, a...
  4. G

    Island Hopping, Kamikaze, No Prisoners: Images from the Pacific Islands and WW2 [Phot

    The Japanese presented a tenacious, unrelenting foe to U.S. and Allied servicemen who battled with them during an island-hopping campaign across the Pacific. More »
  5. Y

    During WW2 why didn't we stop selling to Germany just like we did to Japan?

    We completely STOPPED selling under Roosevelt's orders ANYTHING to Japan and started restricting their empire take overs in indonesia and stuff -- (this is what made them mad and made them bomb Pearl Harbor) We learned this in history... and I am sitting there thinking... WHY DIDN'T WE DO THE...
  6. R

    What would be an introduction to the war in Africa (WW2)?

    For assessment, need to do an introduction for War in Africa
  7. S

    A trivia question for serious WW2 History buffs.?

    What was the Channel Dash in WW2? No googling allowed! lol For some unknown reason, I don't see a option button "For Best Answer" under any of the responses. Ahhh, there is the button.
  8. H

    Best DVD compilation of WW2?

    I tried to find the Military Channels series "World War 2 in color" but I don't think its been released yet. Looking for a series that describes the war as it progresses, like the series on The Military Channel.
  9. H

    Best DVD compilation of WW2?

    I tried to find the Military Channels series "World War 2 in color" but I don't think its been released yet. Looking for a series that describes the war as it progresses, like the series on The Military Channel.
  10. D

    What movie is this about some sci-fi story in WW2 ?

    Ok, all i remember that its happening during World war 2 i think battle for Ardennes. Its about Germans and Americans fighting over one bridge but story is strange, its something like battle happens over and over again and they get it in the end that if they destroy the bridge they can stop all...
  11. D

    What movie is this about some sci-fi story in WW2 ?

    Ok, all i remember that its happening during World war 2 i think battle for Ardennes. Its about Germans and Americans fighting over one bridge but story is strange, its something like battle happens over and over again and they get it in the end that if they destroy the bridge they can stop all...
  12. E

    What do I argue about Canadian multiculturalism post WW2?

    Im doing an argumentative essay in history about multiculturalism in Canada after World War One, but don't know what to argue. Any Suggestions?
  13. S

    interesting WW2 topics for NHD project?

    What are some interesting WW2 topics I should cover, and relates to the theme: Debate and diplomacy, (successes, failures, consequences). This is for an NHD project, and I want to cover something very interesting, but not too well-known or like a subject many people would be doing. I am deciding...
  14. F

    Anyone here heard of Roger Lafond, WW2 French soldier who is grandmaster of Savate

    Yes I have, in a documentary, it might have been the same one from the History channel. I think they might mention him also either at the fight quest or human weapon episodes about Savate.
  15. S

    Anyone here heard Roger Lafond, WW2 French soldier who is grandmaster of

    Savate and saved Savate from dying? Although we generally think of martial arts as an Asian only phenomenon, every country had its own special martial art and France is no exception with its martial art style savate. The most famous currently living figure of Savate is Professeur Roger Lafond, a...
  16. J

    Is Obama jealous now that Chris Matthews finds men participating in WW2

    Battle re-enactment "homo-erotic"? Does Chris Matthews still deny that Bill Ayers told the NY Times that "I do not regret bombing, I wished I bombed more" in 2001 while he was serving on a board with Barrack Obama.
  17. H

    Have pictures (Antique WW2) of cost of aircraft, ships, trucks etc (War Bond Noted

    on Pictures)? This pictures was given to me by my father when I was a young child. Some I have two of each. The image for example on one is a Submarine Rescue Vessel (ASR) cost $3,000.000. On this one under the picture the following caption: THIS SUBMARINE RESCUE VESSEL SPONSORED AND MADE...
  18. T

    couple of ww2 aircraft questions:?

    what bomber during ww2 had the longest range? if you could own any ww2 fighter, witch one would it be and why?
  19. R

    where did evacuees travel to and from in ww2?

    train journeys or boat journeys
  20. A

    Extremely comprehensive WW2 books?

    I'm very interested in WW2, but my only real source for information regarding the war is the internet, which I'm dissatisfied with. Does anyone know of any books regarding WW2 that are extremely comprehensive, going into the reasons behind the war, the significance of the battles (IE...