
  1. V

    Are u Americans using blue ray discs and blue ray writers to backup data?

    Are u Americans using blue ray discs and blue ray writers to backup data? its been a long time here in India since it was launched ,i can see only blue ray movie discs at malls.here we still use dvd writers and dvds for backup
  2. B

    Are u Americans using blue ray discs and blue ray writers to backup data?

    where's here? (Just curios) here in America (at least in my community) we still use dvd too and dvd writers too . blue ray is nice but i dont see much people using it. even the blue ray writers, i never seen one.
  3. A

    Blisstree Fitness Models: Round 2 Of Our Writers, Readers & Friends In Their Real Wor

    Blisstree Fitness Models: Round 2 Of Our Writers, Readers & Friends In Their Real Wor Ready for round two of our "Blisstree fitness models?" In response to the lack of body diversity in most workout clothing catalogues—as well of the lack of economical attire featured by your average fitness...
  4. J

    Writers; have you ever written horror?

    Im a college student and ive written stories all my life, dramas, romance, thrillers, but never horror. But lately i had an idea for a story, not a typical " scary" story. But something that as the story continues is eery and really bone chilling. But since ive never written this genre. Im not...
  5. T


    Join hosts Tom Riddell and Robin Eduardo as they welcome author William Lutz to The Writers Lounge. Sit back and relax as William discusses what its like to be a writer and he will also talk to us about his book: The Audio Sensory Guide To Shroedingers Cat. From marketing a moon base on behalf...
  6. S

    Question about writers and thesis writing?

    So I am in the process of writing my thesis. And I'm kinda doing a thesis about the works of this gay writer in our country. I'm gonna use queer theory in criticizing his works and it will include some gender analysis and all.. My thesis adviser says I have to contact the writer first and ask...
  7. M

    Writers: If you were published, would you want your book to be made into a movie?

    Or would you be worried that your book is completely butchered and prefer it to be left as just a book? BQ: How is your story going?
  8. L

    Overcoming writers block?

    I haven't been working on anything in particular but I do short stories. Lately, I have been on vacation and I just feel DRAINED of my creativity. There are times when I get a really good idea and can write for hours. Well, I have ideas, I just can't bring myself to write like I usually do...
  9. B

    Writers block.. trying to get back into writing.. tell me what you think?

    Okay so usually ideas for stories would pour out of me, now I can't write a decent piece.. please tell me what you think this is just trying to get me back into writing. "Trees thrashed violently back and forth, the wind kept picking up and rain poured down on Sara while lightning lit up the...
  10. P

    Do writers write with intention? (more in question)?

    While in my Victorian Lit class, it just dawned on me that we may be looking more into the author's words than what they would have intended. Literary devices like significance, allusions, character development and the like are studied in literature classes, but it makes me wonder if the author...
  11. A

    Blisstree Writers Debate: Is It Possible To Eat Meat Humanely?

    Here at Blisstree, we discuss a lot of news and opinions about eating meat or not eating meat. And because we have some writers who are vegetarians and others who are not, my editor (Briana) and I got into a healthy discussion recently about the ethics and morals behind eating meat...
  12. P

    Are there some people in this world that are such bad writers that they should

    give up writing for fun? Just wondering.
  13. H

    Writers: what are your personal pitfalls?

    What are the biggest challenges to you when writing/what hangs you up? For me, it's over-analyzing and paying too much attention to insignificant details. Oftentimes I need to remind myself to step back and just enjoy the story and actually write it without worrying about how tall people were...
  14. K

    i lost my inspiration and i've hit writers block ! What do i do!?

    i had an idea bubbled up for ages and i write and write until chapter 2 which is about 2000 words, adn then it's just get lost. I don't know what to write and then when i write it sounds off, like i doesn't suit or sounds bad comjpared to my first 2 chapters. So what do i do?
  15. C

    Are writers have a nature of r0mantic ideas and w0rdings?.?

    In my case i had a friend tru chatting and he said he is a writer..i really like his w0rding when we chat..it's very nice and sweet to read..is it his nature as a writer?
  16. A

    Greatest sci fi/ fantasy fiction writers?

    Never read a sci fi/ fantasy book before. Always read books on medicine,science and nature and horror novels. Also greatly enjoy biography's. Whom are your favorite sci fi/fantasy writers? Which books do you recommend ?
  17. G

    emacs for writers: org mode

    After a little messing around with interesting emacs goodies, we might as well get right on to the good stuff. emacs uses a concept called "modes." You'll learn about that if you use emacs. For now, what you need to know is that there are "major modes" and "minor modes" and we're only...
  18. G

    emacs for writers: browsing the kill ring

    The kill ring is the emacs clip board. I admit that I hardly ever use it in the ways for which it is designed, but I probably should. As you "kill" text (i.e., delete) it gets tacked onto the kill ring, from which you can "yank" it later (yes, this is some sort of religious reference possibly...
  19. G

    emacs for writers: a few tips

    I use word processors like OpenOffice Word as others use page layout software: Only when I want certain control over the final product, want it fast, and don't demand too much of the product. For regularly produced formatted text I use some version of LaTex, but most of the...
  20. I

    Writers: Would you call yourself a Mary-Sue?

    So last I accidentally deleted this question >< We've all written those dreaded Mary-Sue and Gary-Stu characters. But what about the authors? Would you call yourself one? @ Kittster: What? You're really pretty! And smart (well, I think). And yeah, I know how you mean with the...