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    Woman Informed She’s ‘Too Fat To Tan’ At Salon

    It is probably best to steer clear of tanning salons altogether, but in the event that you decide it's a good idea to check one out for a day (no, really, please make it no longer than a day), you should be able to do so regardless of your weight. More » Woman Informed She’s ‘Too Fat To Tan’...
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    You Can Stop Giving Dirty Looks To That Pregnant Woman With The Merlot

    In the latest installment of the "should pregnant women drink alcohol?" saga, a new study says wine's fine in moderation, even during early pregnancy. More » You Can Stop Giving Dirty Looks To That Pregnant Woman With The Merlot is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
  3. G

    A Woman Robbed a Bank with a Can of Spaghetti Sauce

    Of all the food related items or household goods that you could use to pretend to be a bomb, spaghetti sauce has to be pretty low on the list. Not to a 60-year-old woman near Detroit though, she used spaghetti sauce to rob an entire bank. And she got away. More »
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    Woman Suggests Men Should Be Taught Not To Rape – Internet Explodes

    Zerlina Maxwell – political analyst, aspiring attorney and rape survivor – suggested this week that we should stop talking about all the ways in which women can protect themselves against rape and instead focus on teaching men not to rape women. The Internet exploded. Sample comment: “Zerlina is...
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    Never Okay: Shaming A Woman Who May Be Miscarrying (Even Kim Kardashian)

    “Kim’s not respecting her pregnancy." More » Never Okay: Shaming A Woman Who May Be Miscarrying (Even Kim Kardashian) is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health & healthcare..
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    Woman Is Actually Allergic To Exercise

    "I'm allergic to exercise." We've all said it (or at least, I certainly have) as an excuse for not working out. And in a way, exercise can lead to some allergylike symptoms: sweating, difficulty breathing, fatigue, nausea...it's unfun, to say the least, when you have to work out and it's not...
  7. R

    Poll: Is it true that men is attracted to a woman's hair than the face?

    For example: A group of men stood in front of a woman with beautiful long brown hair would call you beautiful. In a Parallel universe: a group of men stood in front of a woman who is bald but has the same pretty face and many man would call her ugly.
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    Seal Spotted Strolling Around Beverly Hills With Mystery Woman

    Seal's found himself in the company of yet another mystery woman. The singer, who split with supermodel Heidi Klum*in January 2012 after close to seven years of marriage, was...
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    What was the black gunk that the woman started coughing up in "The Impossible"?

    What was the black gunk that the woman started coughing up in "The Impossible"? In the movie "The Impossible" where a family gets separated in the Thailand tsunami, the mother of the family is in hospital and begins coughing up or throwing up lots of black/brown sludge... it was really...
  10. M

    Is there any way to chat online with a dominant woman?

    I am a submissive male looking for a dominant woman to chat with online for free, any suggestions?
  11. F

    Is Halle Berry the most overrated woman in Hollywood when it comes to beauty?

    I never understood all the hype. I hear people say things like "Damn Halle Berry is fine" or "Halle Berry is the hottest woman ive ever seen" Really? She has no @zz and persnally I dont like short hair on women, its too masculine. Am I the only one who sees this? Or is it just me?
  12. F

    What is your view on woman's mma in the UFC?

    I want to like it, but I'm not excited for it. It's just not the same.
  13. T

    Self Employed Woman's Guide to Smart Money Decisions- Part 2 - Feb 19,2013

    Savvy WAHMs (work at home moms) are effective money managers. Is budgeting a mystery to you — it never seems to work for you? Do you pay your bills late regularly? Do you want to SAVE money—but you can't, because you spend every dollar you make? Are you passing up the dining out, clothing, and...
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    Is homo-sexual used to describe a gay man and a lesbian woman?

    Im confused by the meaning is gay for men or both and is homosexual for men or both
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    Woman Delivers 10-Lb. Baby, Had No Idea She Was Pregnant — But Which Isn’t All That U

    “It happens more than you would think. Every time it does there’s always the, ‘How could they not have known? It seems crazy.’” More » Woman Delivers 10-Lb. Baby, Had No Idea She Was Pregnant — But Which Isn’t All That Uncommon is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs...
  16. F

    four pictures one word hover woman leaning into car, empty gold tim, pressure dials?

    IT IS LEVEL 96 ON IPHONE It has a 1. hover, 2. woman leaning into a car with her hand on a car seat, 3. empty gold tin 4. pressure dials letters to unscramble: QCMINVUUAALP THE SECOND LETTER IS A
  17. T

    Self Employed Woman's Guide to Smart Money Decisions- Part 1 - Feb 05,2013

    Savvy WAHMs (work at home moms) are effective money managers. Is budgeting a mystery to you — it never seems to work for you? Do you pay your bills late regularly? Do you want to SAVE money—but you can't, because you spend every dollar you make? Are you passing up the dining out, clothing, and...
  18. E

    Taurus man & Virgo woman romantic relationship?

    How would this work out/be? Please post any personal experiences etc. I know the whole aspects of natal charts etc play a key role but I'm just talking Sun signs here. If it helps though, I have a Taurus rising and Cancer Venus. Please don't just copy and paste from websites or go on about...
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    It's a picture of a sardine box, a woman putting something in a car, and a vacuum...

    ...I think? 4 pictures 1 word. Level 29 help!
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    Woman Behind Go Daddy Super Bowl Commercial “Not Sure What Negative Stereotypes It Re

    "I’m not sure what negative stereotypes it reinforced," says the woman behind GoDaddy's most recent Super Bowl commercial. Oh boy ... More » Woman Behind Go Daddy Super Bowl Commercial “Not Sure What Negative Stereotypes It Reinforced” is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living...