
  1. Z

    is there a good website to see weather predictions for the upcoming winter?

    i live in the north west
  2. S

    whats the weather like in mid october in the valley?

    northern california, the valley, precicely modesto. hows the weather there in mid october during the days and nights? will i need to wear a sweater or jacket during the days or nights? does it rain by that time of year?
  3. S

    whats the weather like in mid october in the valley?

    northern california, the valley, precicely modesto. hows the weather there in mid october during the days and nights? will i need to wear a sweater or jacket during the days or nights? does it rain by that time of year?
  4. J

    What is Vallejo weather like?

    I live in San Jose, and I would just like to know how is Vallejo weather compared to San Jose. I like how San Jose is relatively hot compared to other parts in the bay (such as SF), and I would like to live in a city with pretty much the same exact weather. In my opinion, you cant get better...
  5. I

    Windows Vista Weather Gadget?

    For about a month now, the weather Gadget on the sidebar for Vista keeps saying service not available. Why? How do I get it back?
  6. S

    i am going to mauritus tomorrow and just wondered what the weather is like or...

    ...usually like at this time of the? year, as ive just check out the weather forecast for port louis and it says its rain for the next week!!!! i hope its wrong!
  7. S

    i am going to mauritus tomorrow and just wondered what the weather is like or...

    ...usually like at this time of the? year, as ive just check out the weather forecast for port louis and it says its rain for the next week!!!! i hope its wrong!
  8. R

    How Do You Save the Location of the Vista Sidebar Weather Gadget?

    I downloaded Vista Sidebar for my Windows XP and added the Weather Gadget, then when ever I put my current location on it and reboot my laptop it changes back to the location it was before(Canton, MI). How can I save my current location?
  9. R

    How Do You Save the Location of the Vista Sidebar Weather Gadget?

    I downloaded Vista Sidebar for my Windows XP and added the Weather Gadget, then when ever I put my current location on it and reboot my laptop it changes back to the location it was before(Canton, MI). How can I save my current location?
  10. M

    Is there any way to be totally sure weather a torrent is virus free?

    We all download our fair share of files, its uncommon for people not to these days. But how do I know that what I am downloading is totally safe? I check the comments left by users, but I'm still nervous I am going to screw up our family computer.
  11. B

    discuss the importance of weather in a specific literary work?

    rain symbolizes a purification... it can often erase and wipe away the stains on a certain character please list some novels in which rain serves as a positive symbol
  12. B

    discuss the importance of weather in a specific literary work?

    rain symbolizes a purification... it can often erase and wipe away the stains on a certain character please list some novels in which rain serves as a positive symbol
  13. A

    vacation in davao what is the weather like?

    what kind of weather can i expect between december and the end of February
  14. Z

    how do i write an introduction to my poetry about weather?

    I need to write an introduction to my poetry about weather, which is my theme throughout my poetry. I have no idea my head is blank! PLEASE HELP!
  15. J

    Is there a good site to chat about severe weather and hurricanes?

    Looking for some good links please
  16. H

    What's the real weather like in cancun Mexico? Weather predictions say stormy?

    My friend has just returned from Mexico and said the weather was amazing, but weather predictions say different... I'm thinking of booking a last minute holiday as englands weather is shocking!! Please help :)
  17. B

    Re weather from real people, not travel info, what are the best 2-3 wks in...

    ...southern Italy? As little humidity as possible, or at least not hot humidity.
  18. R

    Whats the weather like in Washington Dc in mid April?

    im unsure of what clothes to pack?! thanks!
  19. C

    weather forecast ?

    whats the weather forecast today for glasgow,scotland?
  20. S

    how is the weather there ?

    its very find in here sun shining & not windy like the past few days. i am in tripoli libya ( north africa)