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    Ways To Start Off The New Year On A Beautiful, Confident Note

    Planning to have an excellent 2013? Be sure to start New Year's Day off with some excellent, confidence-inducing habits that you can keep all year round. More » Ways To Start Off The New Year On A Beautiful, Confident Note is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.
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    5 Easy Ways To Boost Brain Power (Without Doing Crosswords)

    Blame it on the holiday season or the sudden lack of sun, but many of us seem to lose some brain power in the winter months. Use these suggestions below–including supplements for memory and vitamins to boost your brain–to up your concentration level and step up your brain game. More » 5 Easy...
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    Wine Cork Crafts: Cool Ways To Use The Scary Number Of Leftover Corks From Holiday Pa

    Another day, another holiday...a boatload of wine corks left over from your fete. Wine cork crafts may not sound like the coolest way to spend your holiday break, but don't be deterred: There are some impressively cool ways to use wine corks instead of throwing them out. Plus, it's a super green...
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    7 ways to be a Santa: Donating gifts for kids

    [No message]
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    6 Ways to Build Better Bone Health And Prevent Osteoporosis, Naturally

    Many people take calcium and magnesium to prevent osteoporosis, but those two nutrients alone aren't enough to achieve optimal bone health and reduce your risk. What causes osteoporosis and bone loss isn't just a calcium deficiency, so your osteoporosis prevention plan should also take into...
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    Morning Links: 3 Ways Rosemary Can Perk Up Your Skin

    • 3 ways*rosemary can energize your skin. (Organic Authority) • 7 unhealthy things even unhealthy people do in restaurants. (HuffPost Healthy Living) • 5 ways to get off the couch and recommit to your workout this winter. (Fit Sugar) • … More » Morning Links: 3 Ways Rosemary Can Perk Up Your...
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    What are some ways I can excerize the Border Collie's instinct to herd?

    I am more than likely getting a Border Collie soon. Only on the weekends I can bring her to a my friend's farm and let him/her herd some of their animals, so what can I do to let out his/her herding instinct? Legit: About what cage size do I need for a Border Collie puppy(if possible I would...
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    7 Ways To Keep This Thanksgiving Weekend Sweet, Not Stressful

    I come from a long line of seriously stressed-out people. All of us get terrible anxiety regularly, but holidays are the absolute worst. From the cooking to the cleaning to the buying, this weekend can go from being able family and relaxation to entirely revolving around not imploding from...
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    Ways to slow metabolism?

    I never seem to put on weight however much I eat. The more I ingest the more I egest. I'm over 6 foot and weigh less than 60 kilos... Good you say... Except that I'm a guy. I eat plenty. I stuff myself but I can't put on weight at all. Are there any foods or supplements that might help slow my...
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    What are some ways to break my 1 year old whining and screaming habits... she

    does this all day? She does this even when she is fed, diaper changed and bathed .
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    GIRLS,ways i can improve myself,skin & hair style?(Tips & advice would be helpful)?

    GIRLS,ways i can improve myself,skin & hair style?(Tips & advice would be helpful)? Should i change my hair style & how to improve my skin & other ways i can improve myself How can i improve myself please help.Honestly Am i ugly,average,cute,attractive or good looking? ways i can improve...
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    American Horror Story: Asylum Recap: The Story Behind Bloody Face's Evil Ways

    Did you want backstory and big reveals with a side of your Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? Then tonight's American Horror Story: Asylum is just what the Nazi doctor ordered. As...
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    Mike D?Antoni?s debut is a winning one, but the Los Angeles Lakers still have a ways

    During the first four minutes of Mike D'Antoni first game as head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers on Tuesday, Pau Gasol took an unafraid long jumper and canned it, Metta World Peace grabbed two steals and initiated two successful fast breaks, and a series of quick-hit half-court possessions with...
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    I would like to spread my humour and opinions to the world. What ways can...

    ...I get more followers on twitter? I just want I few ways I could gain more followers on twitter . Ps I ain't doing any of that follow for follow crap. My twitter is @Daniel_Dakin
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    Top Ways to Undelete Pictures

    There is common question going: "I accidently hit quick format on my camera when I was checking the space left...I then used recovery software to find the boot sector and directories which worked fine and it "found" all the pictures but upon recovery I noticed some were just blank gray and...
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    $6 Billion Wasted On This Election…6 Ways That Money Should Have Been Spent

    Analysts are estimating that $4.2 billion has been spent*wasted on this political race for the White House and Congress. When it's all added up though, that number could rise to $6 billion--a record-breaking amount for any election in history. Here's an idea: How about instead of throwing...
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    Winter Skin Tips: 5 Ways To Get Your Glow Back (With Diet, Not Pricey Products)

    Aging is, in part, similar to a science equation–it’s the result of accumulated damage to the molecules that make up our cells. Luckily you can get your glow back without resorting to putting chemicals on your skin. Instead incorporate the following foods, packed with antioxidants, essential...
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    Afternoon Links: 2 Ways To Boost Energy If You’re Having a Lazy Day

    •*Lazy days*are common this year; here are two ways to pick up the speed. (FitSugar) • Peek at the contents of Sakara Life founders' fridge. (Well+Good NYC) • 6 November superfoods that you should start eating now. (HuffPost Healthy Living) • Comfort vs. advice: It's impossible to give both...
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    6 Smart Ways To Avoid A Post-Halloween Hangover

    Due to the unfortunate timing of Halloween this year (in the middle of a giant hurricane, as well as in the middle of the week), there's a good chance that a lot of us may not be celebrating quite as exuberantly as we usually would. But if you're not a huge drinker, even a few cocktails at a...
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    Funny colobian ways to greet?

    How can i greet someone from colombia in funny way like exp: mexican use orale guey Ecuadorian: mira nano