
  1. O

    why are you all wasting time fighting over a boring section of a fake sport?

    you all should be doing something fun like watching a real sport like ufc,mlb,nba or nfl anything but that pathetic fake rasslin
  2. F

    Should congress forfeit their salaries while they are wasting time on their

    partisan witch hunts? And pay for their silly little side show antics out of the RNC's funds instead of letting them loot the treasury again?
  3. S

    I'm wasting my time--need to pick a major/graduate with a degree that has

    application to the world...? Specifically, the majority of the world. I know people say to pick a major you are passionate about, but in the end I think you are only limiting yourself. 1. So thinking some of the things I'm really good at: .Thinking: Coming up with ideas/possible outcomes...
  4. A

    Planned Parenthood Is Wasting $800,000 To Diss Mitt Romney

    Planned Parenthood is spending a shitload of money to tell Colorado residents not to vote for Mitt Romney. A full $800,000 to be exact. It's a colossal waste of money that could be better used to serve more women, but like a lot of dollars in the political race, it's being used to serve an...
  5. M

    Why is Congress wasting Millions upon Millions of dollars challenging if...

    ...Roger Clemens lied to the grand jury? Don't we have bigger issues to deal with? Like who lie and who knew about Fast and Furious that got machine guns in the hands of cartels that already killed a Border Agent and many civilians? Just because the Dem's wanted to crucify this guy and the case...
  6. N

    Why are wasting your lives arguing in this section if were all gonna die?

    I stumbled on this section, so why cant you shut up, live your lives and stop wasting it here? Because were all gonna die so we'll see who is right. I dont care about freedom of speech, if so how come the president dosent say "Hey China and North korea you suck and i dare you to nuke us because...
  7. J

    Am I wasting time waiting for the IPhone 5?

    I have service through verizon and a couple of months ago, they just started getting the Iphone 4, I was going to snap it up because I'd just come eligible for an upgrade and I'm sick of my blackberry storm 1, but then I heard the Iphone 5 would be out in June or July and that's the one I...
  8. I

    what are good time wasting android apps?

    I'm going to (correction:Being forced to go to) a baseball game in a few days, and since I don't care about baseball, I'm going to be spending the time with my droid tablet and probably some lemonade. I have some basic games and stuff, like Angry Birds, Light saber, Labyrinth, etc.) What are...
  9. V

    What is your view on this, is this girl interested in me or am I wasting my time on

    her? I like this girl at my school and from my point of view the two of us have several thing's in common. She speaks to me but it's always up to me to start a conversation, she never initiates any kind of conversation with me online and doesn't socialize with me outside of school.
  10. J

    Is she interested or am i wasting my time?

    Met this perfect girl she is into me and i'm into her. We went on 7 or 8 dates and everything went fine and couldn't be running any more smoother and then I sort of decided to feel the waters a little and expressed to her that i would be interested in starting something a little more serious...
  11. M

    Salty snack-off: Wasting company time munching chips 'n' dips

    [No message]
  12. A

    Any great unknown time wasting games for the Android ?

    I noted "unknown" as the known ones are all spent for me (Angry Birds, Pocket Legends, Parallel Kingdom, and some other brainy-type games) Also, HTC Incredible Droid.. Thanks. :P
  13. T

    Why is Obama wasting so much money traveling to India for G20 summit?

    Doesn't he realize how Americans are suffering, or how big the US debt is? Doesn't he know that the unemployment rate is 17% or higher? Or is his vacationing and this G20 summit the most important thing? Why does he need (practically) a million traveling people with him?
  14. E

    Am I wasting time washing dishes before I put them in the dishwasher?

    I typically hand wash my dishes before I put them in the dishwasher. I don't want to have chunks of grime floating around. Am I wasting my time? Does everyone put nasty grimy dishes in the dishwasher without prewashing? Will regular Cascade powder do the trick?
  15. L

    To all the atheists on here. Do you think you're wasting your 'humor' and such here?

    Wouldn't it be best applied elsewhere or used in a better format with a bigger audience. Granted a lot of you are dull and idiots but some of you are quite funny and even some jokes about my religion has made me laugh. But it feels like a waste..... True maybe waste was a bad word. But don't you...
  16. U

    Have those that whine about obama's stimulus thanked george w bush for wasting

    money on his two wars? $1,000,000,000,000 and counting... http://costofwar.com/ "i did thank Bush for attacking the Taliban and Iraq to keep sorry butt people like you safe." LOL dumbya did a heckuva job keeping Americans safe on 9/11. How'd you forget that?
  17. S

    Why do people always complain about leaving the faucet running and wasting...

    ...water if it is recycled? Like I know that the water from watering your grass is just wasted, but when we toilet water, and taking long showers, all that water goes down the drain and is again recycled.
  18. R

    Atheists: If this is the only life you think you have then why are you wasting it on

    R&S arguing? Arguing without any hope of impact! THE CLOCK REACHES 12 AND NOW YOUR OLDER.
  19. V

    If you shop at GNC you are wasting your money!?

    cause seriously anywhere else you go you'll get more options&the same or better products. THEY ARE WAY OVER PRICED!! i went in there for the first time cause i didn't feel like paying shipping on mass nutrition. i was gonna just gonna buy some standard aminos&the same one as on my website was...
  20. J

    Is the Last song I'm wasting on you by Evanescence like a dialogue?

    I was listening to The Last Song I'm Wasting On You by Evanescence and it is really sad and beautiful but when you really listen to it, it seems as if she is singing her point of view then sings what the person hurting her says in response. For example she sings ' Sickened in the sun You dare...