
  1. T

    Poll.Do you think that friends are a waste of time?

    I think that friends are nothing but a waste of time.They use you alot.That's why I don't need any friends.I can just live life by myself.
  2. 2

    Christians, how do you reply to atheists who tell you that prayer is a waste of time?

    As a Christian, what do you think about prayer? What is your own experience in prayer? Has it been a waste of time for you? Or not? If so, why so. If not, why not? NOTE: Atheists, Hi...I expect it is nonsense to you because it doesn't exist for you. I put this...
  3. M

    Does it waste less memory to watch Netflix on smart phone than on xbox 360?

    For Vodafone home broadband 40GB per month?
  4. C

    Why, when connies attack waste spending, do they always start with Barry and...

    ...his vacations and the poor? Why don't they ever start with the billions of our tax dollars wasted on foreign countries. Foreign aid. The wars, cost over $100 billion a year.
  5. D

    why do i waste a dvd r disc just by putting it in my dvd burner?

    i had a plan to back up some important files, unfortunately the disc made a note of the date Jan 31 2012 but decided to leave out the files attempting to backup then mistaking that disc as a dvd rw i kept trying to burn it on again, this of course was my mistake, reading it wrong. but the first...
  6. R

    Is karate a waste of my time if I want to join the ufc?

    My dream is to one day be a professional mma fighter and currently, I am taking mma classes and I really like it. My instructor has decided to do away with the mma classes and do more karate instead. We still spar once or twice a week and we learn grappling techniques on saturdays, but he is...
  7. A

    Eagles waste early comeback against Bengals with turnover-filled second half

    It was the play that perhaps best typified the Philadelphia Eagles' season, though there were many more to come. With 9:59 left in the first quarter of the Cincinnati Bengals' 34-13 thumping of Andy Reid's team, Eagles punter Mat McBriar set to punt from his own 32-yard line, but running back...
  8. B

    Is EHarmony a complete waste?

    It seems like every time I'm contacted by a man on eHarmony, we get through 2 or 3 steps...just before open communication, and we just get stuck there for days. I'm assuming they get distracted by someone else, or they lost interest for one reason or another, or whatever...it just seems like...
  9. H

    Do you consider time spent travelling on the MRT a waste of time? If so, why is

    this a waste? THANKS (URGENT)? PLEASE REPLY ASAP IT IS VERY URGENT THANK YOU VERY MUCH :-) *MRT to be the mass rapid trains in singapore
  10. A

    Green Honey Is Invading France…Because Of Waste From M&M’s Candy

    Bright green honey might seem like bad St. Patrick's Day kitsch, but French beekeepers are harvesting the stuff in droves–along with blue, red, purple honey–because of waste from M&M's candy. In the town of Ribeauville, in Alsace, beekeepers were perplexed by the colorful substance bees were...
  11. G

    Data Centers Waste a Ridiculously Massive Amount of Energy [Data Centers]

    There is a lot of data out there, and more is being created every day. It takes a lot of resources to keep it around, and make sure that you and everyone else can access what they want, when they want, with minimal downtime. Naturally this takes a lot of energy, but the New York Times looked...
  12. M

    Does a V8 SUV/truck waste more gas than a V8 car?

    I'm looking purchasing a Ford Mustang GT. I'm just wondering, does a V8 SUV waste more gas than a car, or are they both the same?
  13. M

    Does a V8 SUV/truck waste more gas than a V8 car?

    I'm looking purchasing a Ford Mustang GT. I'm just wondering, does a V8 SUV waste more gas than a car, or are they both the same?
  14. V

    Hoarding: Buried Alive — House Full of Human Waste

    Just when you thought reality shows couldn’t get any more disgusting, now we have a couple living in a river of human waste on an episode of TLC’s Hoarding: Buried Alive. It’s been twenty years since Doug and Darlene have let anyone inside their home and the shame of their compulsive hoarding...
  15. A

    PGA of America announces all bunkers at the PGA Championship will be played as waste

    When Dustin Johnson arrives at Kiawah Island's Ocean Course for the PGA Championship, he won't have to worry about reading the local rules regarding the bunkering at the seaside course. Two years removed from his bunker mishap on the final hole of regulation during the 2010 PGA Championship at...
  16. A

    Little Big Weights: Lifting Light Weights Isn’t A Total Waste Of Time, Says Research

    Most of today's top trainers will tell you that lifting light weights to slim down isn't a grand plan, despite fears of "bulking up" from heavy lifting. But a new study says that, on the flip side, adults who are intimidated by heavy weights shouldn't despair: Lifting little weights can still...
  17. C

    Why do ppl waste money towards food when theres designer clothes and high...

    ...end gadgets which are much more ? when they are much more worth your money i mean i know you have to eat but why waste 20 dollars towards briskets and popane and stupid stuff like seasonings and oven and stove foods and meat when you can buy tv dinners getr almost same thing and roman noodles...
  18. A

    Say No To Waste: Plastic Bag Bans Across The Country

    Every 5 seconds, Americans use about 60,000 plastic bags. During the holiday season, consumption increases, as shoppers leap from store to store, getting a new single-use sack at every stop. But some cities and even states are stepping in to stop the waste, by banning or imposing small fees on...
  19. R

    [RANT] Why do so many people on YA waste their time...?

    I felt like I should warn you in the title. So here it is. How come, in nearly every section of this site (even the wrong ones) people are asking the same questions ALL DAY?!?! Questions like: "why wont my boyfriend call"? "what could they really mean when they say ___?" "why won't she...
  20. A

    The Bobble Jug Is Using Cuteness To Decrease Water Bottle Waste

    Water filtration may not be the sexiest retail category, but a little company called Move Collective is trying to change all that. Last year, they released Bobble, a very cute bottle that filters water as you drink it. And now they're taking on Brita with the Bobble Jug, a 64 ounce home...