
  1. G

    How long is a FTA warrant effective?

    If a person has a 10 year old FTA warrant for disorderly conduct in another state will it prevent them from obtaining a taser?
  2. A

    How to remove a bench warrant fot FTA?

    i am a college student and missed a court date for a traffic violation which was driving an uninsured vehicle,but my car is insured I just had an unpatient officer, I recently found out I had a warrant and want to remove it as well as lift the suspension from my liscence.....so what do I do...
  3. J

    Can you get arrested for a Lake County IL bench warrant in Cook County IL?

    I got arrested for Bribery in Lake County IL when I was 20 years old. I did it because I was young, stupid, and nervous. The Judge gave me 200 hours of community service which I did not complete. The reason for that is either I drop my classes just so I can stick around to complete my community...
  4. D

    might have a bench warrant for FTA on a diversion and want to go into the navy help?

    the crime i committed was a felony crime for forgery. I regret ever doing it. i was influenced by some not so good people. because I wanted to fit in (yeah yeah middle school crap). but thats behind me now. i just wanna move on. I am an Iraq vet, and have a decent case of PTSD thats been...
  5. T

    if some one recieves a FTA Warrant and then a month later a 1214.1PC Civil...

    ...assmnt. added & DMV hold plac,,,,,? if this person does not respond to any of this what will be the next step for her? ( this is all from the same citation)
  6. G

    Warrant for Lindsay’s Arrest Has Been Recalled

    This is great news for Lindsay Lohan and something her fans, family and close friends saw coming! The arrest warrant for Lindsay Lohan has been recalled by a judge today.The hearing only lasted 3 minutes and Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, appeared on her behalf today (March 16). Chapman...
  7. E

    I have a warrant for my arrest for probation violation in bell county texas?

    my probation was set for a year since feb 28,2008 and it is past my end period which was feb 02,2009 I have had trouble finding a job an I wrote a letter 2 my probation officer telling him why and now I have a warrant 2 weeks later. I would like to know that if since it is past my probation...
  8. J

    can immigration pick up on a bench warrant on some one that's here illegal?

    got bench warrant for not paying child support
  9. J

    How long will it take before I get picked up on a warrant at my job.?

    Im 16 and I live in oklahoma city I have a bench warrent I just got my first job at taco bell, but I was told once my w2 goes in they will come arest me, is this true? if so, how long will it take before they come try to get me... Notice, I AM a juvinile, and all of my shit is at the juvinile...
  10. P

    I have a bench warrant, case is lying to a police officer, can i get arrested if

    i travel internationally? i didn't show up to court for my case about lying to a police officer, im going to be traveling next month can i get arrested when i travel?