
  1. P

    Was the Korean War a success or a failure?

    I need three main points with support.
  2. J

    Since taxes pay for our military, why did W lower taxes while at war and why

    did (R) fight to keep those cuts? Was the cost of war supposed to pay for itself somehow? Is it unrelated to our current debt problem?
  3. E

    Egypt: Libya War Crazy Ideas Versus Creativity?

    Finally, The world found that a commercial ship could be the base for canon to fire Civilian towns? Do you Consider what happened today in Libya ( Crazy Ideas or Creativity) and what could be similar ideas:- * Bombs to be thrown from a commercial plane windows. * A pilot to use Parachute before...
  4. A

    Is it wrong for christians to "volunteer" for the military during time of war?

    Is it wrong for christians to "volunteer" for the military during time of war? This is a legitimate question, not any kind of attack or put down of christians. Since one of the commandments states "Thou shall not kill" without any exceptions listed after it, isn't it wrong or a "sin" to be...
  5. M

    I want to read war and peace?

    What is your opinion of it before I get it. thanks
  6. K

    World War 1 help please!?

    1. Which allied country respond to defend belgium when it was invaded by Germany? 2. Explain the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 3. What did the Treaty of Versailles do? 4. Name the famous WWI song that was used to help in all aspects of the war effort. 5. What was the purpose of Food...
  7. J

    Are these not war crimes?

    http://www.russianews.net/story/751351/ht/Soldier-gets-jail-sentence-for-mutilating-Afghan-civilian and http://www.russianews.net/story/751200/ht/Australian-FM-decries-US-air-strikes-on-children Remember no N.A.T.O or American soldiers have ever been charged with any war crimes which they have...
  8. S

    Amnesty= Civil War. This is a solid equation in this current time, the

    certainty is undeniable, why argue? Evil Orange, YOU don't understand! Italian LEGAL immigrants at the time worked hard, did not have entitlements, or even a since of entitlement! They assimilated to American culture and spoke English! Illegals today do NOT pay taxes for the most part, do...
  9. J

    How does Napoleon Total war compair to the other Total war games?

    so I have Napoleon: Total War and I've tried to get into it, but I always end up uninstalling it because the combat is too sluggish for my taste. maybe it has something to do with the fact that its mostly ranged combat which doesn't help. anyway, are Rome total war and medieval any better?
  10. X

    What to interpret of these War Dreams?

    In the last month, i've had 3 dreams where i was in a war. The First and most disturbing one was where i was in the jungles of Vietnam at night, and my officer told me and my group to go and kill everyone, because they were 'Vietcong". The second one, was where me and all my buddies got drafted...
  11. M

    Delray Beach vs Boynton beach war?

    what are you thoughts on a Delray-boynton war? does it become a battle at the border, or control on the roads? obviously delray's capital street is linton and boynton's is boynton rd. closer to the borderboynton has significant woolbright, and delray has atlantic, though boyton is at a major...
  12. T

    What date or war is Roger McGoughs poem The Identification from ?

    i really need to know as i'm writing a story based on the poem, and need to use language and stuff from that time. I've googled and i can't seem to find it anywhere, any help would be reallyyyyy appreciated !
  13. JayJ1

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...?

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...? What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the war was over, and what did the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution provide for?
  14. JayJ1

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...?

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...? What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the war was over, and what did the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution provide for?
  15. D

    Would Kratos and Ares from the God of War series be considered monsters?

    I own 4 out of the 5 games in the series, and i've played them over and over again. but one thought kept coming in and out of my mind; can Ares and Kratos be considered monsters in any way?
  16. D

    who would win in a big war between marvel comics and dc comics?

    i say marvel cause marvel is awesome duh
  17. A

    In what war were motorcycles and trucks first used?

    In what war were motorcycles and trucks first used?
  18. G

    If there's going to be a trade war, should we start now or wait until

    there's nothing left to save? http://money.cnn.com/2011/02/10/news/economy/donald_trump_cpac/index.htm Trump: U.S. is a 'laughing stock' "Real estate mogul Donald Trump told hundreds of conservative activists Thursday, that if he was president, he would take in "hundreds of billions from...
  19. G

    Is a trade war inevitable?

    http://money.cnn.com/2011/02/10/news/economy/donald_trump_cpac/index.htm Trump: U.S. is a 'laughing stock' "Real estate mogul Donald Trump told hundreds of conservative activists Thursday, that if he was president, he would take in "hundreds of billions from countries that are screwing us."...
  20. K

    Why was shipping and trade a big reason for the war of 1812?

    I'm in the 8th grade, and i took notes in class, but i can't remember what i meant...