
  1. G

    Is the Nokia e71x compatable to charge with a micro usb wall charger?

    I know it has a port of it but will it charge?
  2. M

    How do you get wall papers on your cell phones?

    If I want a specific wallpaper on my phone, how do I get it for free? Download from internet? What website? I specifically want a Kim Hyun Joong wall paper :)
  3. Y

    My friend wants to me to go the Roger Waters THe Wall tour; he has tickets.?

    Is it good? I love pink floyd & the wall, but it's $130 a ticket PLUS HOTEL & drinking after wards.
  4. E

    song from wall street:money never sleeps commercial?

    i heard a song from a commercial for wall street:money never sleeps and i cant find it anywhere. i dont think it was in the trailers. all i can remember is the song said the words the city and lights and was sung by a guy
  5. V

    Buying wall paper online?

    I'm buying wallpaper online can anyone give me some sites where I can by cute wallpaper online.
  6. R

    My Motorola Z6m "unable to charge" when I plug it into wall?

    When I plug my phone even into the wall i get an "unable to charge" error message on my phone. How can I fix this
  7. I

    Can i block or ban someone from writing on my facebook wall but not block...

    ...them as a friend or anything? My friend keeps posting things on my wall i dont want, and i dont want to worry about deleting them everyday! can someone tell me how i can do this? i still want to keep them as a facebook friend, but how do i block them from writing/posting on my wall?
  8. J

    has any one taken a picture of the vet wall in dc and it came out with images on it?

    my friend took one and it came out with dead people on it like there faces and stuff we cant if we did some one would steel it and when we went to see it we forgot are cam
  9. I

    How can I add a quiz on my wall at facebook?

    I dunno how my friends do it! For example, I take a quiz on "What death note character are you?" some of my friends have it on their wall(right under their links)[profile pic; information; friends; likes; photos; links; quizzes] Do you know how? If you do, please tell me if you don't just say...
  10. K

    on facebook, if i write on someones wall, then delete my post....?

    will the person whos wall i wrote on still get a notification that i wrote and deleted a post?
  11. M

    Poll: Up against the wall, or just anywhere?

    My bed is up against the wall ;)
  12. B

    Did Dem's whine as much as Cons do when Bush gave Wall St. our hard earned...

    ...money with no return requested? I mean simply handing our money over to wall st, and not expecting them to pay it back, at least Obama made sure that money will be paid back with interest.
  13. C

    he igorned my hi on his wall post lol.....?

    we use to chat alot, and he added me on facebook but never said anything to me... so i said hi how u been??? and he igorned it and replied other people... should i say hi again ???? but it looks like i wanna speak to him lol..... should i deleate him??? but what if i bump into him one day or...
  14. W

    on facebook, why can u see the wall-to wall of some? but not others?

    why is that, is it privacy settings? is there a way i can see?
  15. M

    How do I completely clear off my wall on Facebook?

    Without having to click delete on every single post.
  16. C

    what cable hooks from a dish network box into the wall?

    Ours broke what is the new one i need to buy.
  17. T

    can a dvd scratch if you made a mistake and hit the box set on the wall?

    i was carrying a dvd set to my room and i accidentally bumped the dvd set to the wall and all the dvds was in there will the dvds scratch or not
  18. M

    Is David Gilmour joing Roger Waters on his 'The Wall' tour?

    I know Roger is touring starting in september but i heard David is also joining him? is this true?
  19. R

    How do you get rid of your wall on facebook?

    I'm clueless. I want to make it so no one can see my wall on my profile. How?
  20. R

    How do you get rid of your wall on facebook?

    I'm clueless. I want to make it so no one can see my wall on my profile. How?