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    We Will Soon Replace All Food With Soylent, The Nutritious Vitamin Sludge Of The Futu

    As a lady blog (one of several!), we get bombarded with a lot of information about fantastical new diets all the time. For the most part, they’re a repackaging of the same fluffy bullshit that celebrities parrot ad nauseam in gossip weeklies–broccoli and fish! grilled chicken and salad!–but...
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    Whats Vitamin Shoppe's equivalent to Lean Shake by GNC?

    I love Lean Shake at GNC but Vitamin Shoppe seems to be a little cheaper.
  3. B

    2400mg N-Acetyl Cysteine,2000mg Vitamin C,800mg Alpha-lipoic acid,GNC Women ultra...

    ...mega multivitamin? 2400mg N-Acetyl Cysteine,2000mg Vitamin C,800mg Alpha-lipoic acid,GNC Women ultra mega multivitamin? I am taking 2400mg N-Acetyl Cysteine(divided in 4 doses),2000mg Vitamin C(divided in 2 doses, 800mg Alpha-lipoic acid(divided in 4 doses), GNC Women ultra mega multivitamin...
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    Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction May Improve With Vitamin C

    Vitamin C may substantially reduce bronchoconstriction caused by exercise, says Dr. Harri Hemila from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Hemila's meta-analysis "Vitamin C may alleviate exercise-induced bronchoconstriction" was published in BMJ Open. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction means...
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    Vitamin C Can Kill Drug-Resistant TB Bacteria

    Vitamin C can kill drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) bacteria in laboratory culture, according to a new, surprising discovery by experts at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. The research, published in Nature Communications, indicates that adding vitamin C to existing TB...
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    is 13 for vitamin D levels severe and could it be the cause of my symptoms?

    the last few months I've been constantly weak, although sometimes its worse. I've also had some muscle shaking and twitching. Been to neurologist and the MRI was fine, I of course am worried its neurological, but I have to try and fix these deficiencies. Is 13 for Vitamin D (whatever that...
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    Link Between Low Vitamin D Levels And Pneumonia Risk

    A University of Eastern Finland study showed that low serum vitamin D levels are a risk factor for pneumonia. The risk of contracting pneumonia was more than 2.5 times greater in subjects with the lowest vitamin D levels than in subjects with high vitamin D levels. The results were published in...
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    Vitamin B2 May Be An Antidote To Cyanide Poisoning

    With the remains of a recent lottery winner having been exhumed for foul play related to cyanide poisoning, future winners might wonder what they can do to avoid the same fate. A new report in The FASEB Journal involving zebrafish suggests that riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, may mitigate...
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    How Vitamin E Can Help Prevent Cancer

    Researchers have identified an elusive anti-cancer property of vitamin E that has long been presumed to exist, but difficult to find. Many animal studies have suggested that vitamin E could prevent cancer, but human clinical trials following up on those findings have not shown the same benefits...
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    Obesity Causes Vitamin D Deficiency

    Obesity can cause Vitamin D deficiency, according to a study published in a recent issue of PLoS Medicine. The study, led by researchers from the D-CarDia collaboration, is the first to associate a high BMI with low Vitamin D levels. The implications of the finding are significant as it...
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    High Vitamin D Doses Reduce Respiratory Tract Infection Risk

    Patients who are prone to infections and are given high vitamin D doses for one year have a significantly lower risk of developing respiratory tract infection, compared to their counterparts who do not receive the extra daily vitamin, researchers from the Karolinska Institute and Karolinska...
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    Should I Take Vitamin And Mineral Supplements?

    Should we take vitamin and mineral supplements, are they a complete waste of money, do they do more harm than good? These are questions millions of people around the world ask, probably because there are so many conflicting studies. The answer to "Should I take vitamins?" is not a simple yes or...
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    Newly Discovered Effects Of Vitamin D On Cancer

    Vitamin D slows the progression of cells from premalignant to malignant states, keeping their proliferation in check A team of researchers at McGill University have discovered a molecular basis for the potential cancer preventive effects of vitamin D. The team, led by McGill professors John...
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    Lupus Patients May Benefit From Vitamin D Supplements

    A new clinical study published in BioMedCentral's open access journal Arthritis Research and Therapy provides preliminary evidence that vitamin D supplementation could be considered an immunomodulatory agent for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a debilitating autoimmune disease characterized...
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    Vitamin C Found To Prevent Bone Loss In Animal Models

    Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have shown for the first time in an animal model that vitamin C actively protects against osteoporosis, a disease affecting large numbers of elderly women and men in which bones become brittle and can fracture. The findings are published in the...
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    First Pediatric Study To Look At The Role Of Vitamin D In Critical Illness

    Vitamin D is increasingly being recognized as important for good health. Vitamin D is a hormone made in the skin following sun exposure or acquired from diet and supplement intake. Previous medical research has shown that low body levels of vitamin D make people more susceptible to problems such...
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    Tracking The Genetic Causes Of Inherited Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    Vitamin B12 is essential to human health. However, some people have inherited conditions that leave them unable to process vitamin B12. As a result they are prone to serious health problems, including developmental delay, psychosis, stroke and dementia. An international research team recently...
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    Miranda Kerr Gives T-Rich A Butt Injection Of Vitamin B-12

    Perhaps the most (or only) rational response to the above photo is: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? This -- in case you don't recognize the players -- being supermodel Miranda Kerr injecting renowned photographer and creepo Terry Richardson in the buttocks with a syringe full of vitamin B12. While...
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    Afternoon Links: The Truth About The Sun And Vitamin D

    • Once and for all, the truth about the sun and vitamin D (YouBeauty) • Perfect your crunches*with this helpful video tutorial (FitSugar) • True confessions from a Mary Kay lady (HuffPost Women) • 3 ways to make your sex life a little more romantic (YourTango) • Yikes: A scary new...
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    Eggstra Special! New Analysis Shows More Vitamin D And Fewer Calories In Today's Eggs

    Official new data shows that today's eggs contain more than 70% more vitamin D and double the amount of selenium than when previous analyses were carried out 30 years ago. Today's eggs also contain around 20% less fat, more than 20% less saturated fat, around 13% fewer calories and more than 10%...