
  1. T

    Circadian Rhythms Give Vegetables Healthy Boost

    If your salad knows what time it is, it could be healthier for you, according to new research by Rice University and the University of California at Davis. Rice biologist Janet Braam, the lead researcher of the current study published in Current Biology, said "Vegetables and fruits don't die the...
  2. A

    In Season Now: The Freshest Fruits And Vegetables For June

    Even though summer doesn’t technically begin until June 21, the start of June both marks summer in many people’s minds and means the arrival of what we think of as summer fruits and vegetables. This month, you can expect to … More » In Season Now: The Freshest Fruits And Vegetables For June is...
  3. A

    Eat Less Pesticides: A Guide To Which Fruits & Vegetables To Buy Organic (And What Yo

    Eat Less Pesticides: A Guide To Which Fruits & Vegetables To Buy Organic (And What Yo A guide to pesticide loads in fruits and vegetables, from nonprofit The Environmental Working Group. Avoid the dirty dozen (or buy organic) & keep it clean! More » Eat Less Pesticides: A Guide To Which Fruits...
  4. T

    State Laws Aimed At Improving School Meals Help Teens Eat More Fruits And Vegetables,

    Students' intake of fruits and vegetables increased when states required schools to offer them at lunch, especially among teens who had only unhealthy snacks available at home Teens in states that required schools to offer fruits and vegetables as part of the meal program consumed more fruits...
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    In Season Now: The Freshest Fruits And Vegetables For March

    As winter morphs slowly and sporadically into spring, we can finally expect a bit more variety in our peak-season produce—thank goodness. Nothing against tubers and tangelos, but I'm longing for something other than citrus, apples and root veggies right now. More » In Season Now: The Freshest...
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    How To Get Kids To Eat Vegetables: An Easier (And Possibly Better) Way

    First things first: I don’t have a kid. I am not a parent, and my 7-year-old nephew is the type of kid who says things like, “That has too much salt content, it’s not good for me,” so I have … More » How To Get Kids To Eat Vegetables: An Easier (And Possibly Better) Way is a post from Blisstree...
  7. D

    Cooking ideas with sea vegetables?

    I really like seaweed but just eat it as a snack. Anyone out there have experience cooking with sea vegetables? I am wanting to incorporate more of them in my diet. Also, where can I buy sea vegetables (of good quality)?
  8. T

    Combo-Snacks Of Cheese And Vegetables Cut Kids Calories

    Almost everyone is familiar with the alarming trend of childhood obesity. 32% of U.S. children are overweight or obese according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. One of the many factors leading to the obesity epidemic is increased snacking in children. Today children eat...
  9. A

    Watch Michelle Obama Defend Vegetables Over Cheeseburgers On The Daily Show

    Michelle Obama's new book, "American Grown," showcases the merits of her White House garden initiative, started in 2009, and serves as yet another plea for American families to grow and make fresh meals to combat childhood obesity. But, as Jon Stewart pointed out on The Daily Show last night...
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    Bitter Sensitive Children Could Eat More Vegetables With Help Of Dip

    There's an existential crisis that often happens at dinner tables across the country: why won't kids eat their vegetables? Research has found that one reason could be a sensitivity to bitterness, fairly common among children about 70 percent have it. But a new study led by Jennifer Orlet...
  11. Lisa

    When you cook vegetables do they lose their nutrients?

    In the microwave or slow cooker
  12. T

    Need a good food recipe on Mixed Vegetables?

    I have tons of mixed vegetable cans in my cabinet. I'm only 16, so please no Bobby Flay type recipe. Just need something simple. I would just hate to see all of those cans go to waste.
  13. M

    A vegetables side dish for meatloaf.?

    Something with carrots or green beans
  14. M

    A vegetables side dish for meatloaf.?

    Something with carrots or green beans
  15. W

    Any suggestions for new, exciting vegetables we could sell at the Farmers Market

    here in the Northeast? We run a small market garden and I love finding and growing new vegetables for our customers. Last year we discovered and sold edamame and tatsoi for the first time. I'm thrilled with both of them. We're looking into purple potatoes for this year. We would love to hear...
  16. P

    fruits & vegetables nutrition?

    Are fruits & vegetables just as nutritious purchased from discount stores($.99 store) as from grocery chains? I purchase a lot of vegetables from there because of cost. Now I am wondering, is a veggie a veggie as far as nutrients go? Does it matter where you purchase?
  17. C

    how would you cut vegetables (bell peppers and onions) for quesadillas?

    Im cooking quesadillas and I dont know if I should chop the peppers and onions into small pieces or like strips?
  18. T

    10 Tips To Get Your Kids To Eat Vegetables And Fruits

    In a new study, children who ate the most vegetables and fruits had significantly healthier arteries as adults than children who ate the fewest. Here are 10 tips to encourage your children to eat more vegetables and fruits. 1. Make fruit and vegetable shopping fun: Visit your local...
  19. P

    Can seeds substitute vegetables in nutrition?

    If I eat a few servings of certain seeds (ie, chia seeds and hemp seeds), can that be considered a part of my daily required servings of vegetables?
  20. L

    will my vegetables loose a ot of nutrition if i cut and prepare them then leave

    in water? till i am readt to cook them , this could be about 6 hrs , but i dont want to loose the vitamins