
  1. D

    u.s. allsate car insurance / is this valid to drive to canada for holiday ?

    is the us automobile insurance valid to drive to canada ? do you need any extra insurance or short term canadian supplemental insurance to meet any canadian insurance laws ?
  2. R

    Valid Myspace code to hide friends?

    So I'm doing a major update on my Myspace since a lot of my friends have it. I haven't used mine in a year, I think, and I deleted all my codes. I Googled valid myspace codes, but all of them don't work anymore.
  3. M

    can you please give a valid canadian cellphone number and also its company?

  4. T

    Can someone give me a link for a valid torrent of Carl Barron: Walking Down The

    Street? i cant find a torrent for carl barrons 3rd dvd anywhere and i really want to see it does anyone have a link to a torrent that works for it?
  5. W

    first driver licence california only valid 4 months?

    I got my first licence, its only valid for 4 months, is this usual? or do they give difference expiration dates for different people?
  6. E

    can someone give me a valid code?

    can u give me a valid code resistance retribution. i want to get the game but i dont want to reserve it. i just want to try the game first. make sure the code is valid and unused.
  7. S

    Is my ipod warranty still valid?

    Its only been a year but the ipod was a present bought by my uncle abroad so it doesn't have a receipt. Is it still covered? Should i just take it into an apple store?
  8. C

    If a military issued power of attorney is still valid can i use it to get my jeep...

    ...back? I am going thru a seperation, and the army wont help me out with anything but i need transportation, i am the one that has the kids and they have doctor's appointments, especially my newborn...
  9. G

    Valid cd key for Madden NFL 08 pc?

    if you u have a valid key for madden 08 for the pc that you dont use anymore please please please let me use it
  10. A

    Italian Driver License valid to drive in NY and NJ?

    I have an Italian driver license ( the European one) that will expire in 8 years. I will be in the US for 3 months and I need to know if I need an international driver license. Thanks.
  11. S

    how long is the NOC valid for a Bike incase of shifting from a state to another?

    I bought a Bike (Hero Honda Hunk) in Mumbai and registered the same in March 2008 in Mumbai RTO,then I shifted to Chennai in August and I've got the NOC from Mumbai office for my My question is how long is the NOC valid for and within how many months or days I should re register my bike...
  12. 2

    Will inserting a valid AT&T sim card activate an iphone?

    I have an iphone that is locked and unactivated. I don't need to unlock it because i already use AT&T, however i do need activate it. Will it activate if i just put my sim from my current cell phone into the iphone? And then i can just take it out and it will stay activated?
  13. T

    Xbox live-Is putting in a valid phone number important?

    Hey everyone, just wanted to know if it was of any importance to have put a valid phone number in for xbox live. I tried doing a fake one and it accepted it but I didn't actually start xbox live from that point. So I thought I'd ask. So, is it of any importance? Cheers, -Talesan
  14. N

    Is this a valid reason to hate someone?

    My roommate and I were really good friends and we moved to a different college town together this fall, I didn't know it when we moved but he is very anal about cleaning and I do my best to keep the place clean. We would party with the rest of our friends every weekend and I thought everything...
  15. L

    Does the Rogers pay-as-you-go "All Day" plan accept the $100 top up which is valid

    Does the Rogers pay-as-you-go "All Day" plan accept the $100 top up which is valid for 365 days? I have a Rogers pay-as-you-go account for my daughter and I have read somewhere in the internet that the "All Day" pay-as-you-go plan (which I have) does not accept the $100 top up. Is this true...
  16. T

    what are some valid cupon codes?

    i need cupons pleez let them be valid or a website that has the codes
  17. S

    please give valid not fake link path for free downloadin the motorokr em 30

    games,themes plz........??????? motorokr em 30 games,themes