
  1. D

    Happy Valentine's Day!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!
  2. A

    In Yugioh, What Episode Does Mai Valentine VS Yami Marik?

    I cant remember -_-;
  3. T

    WINE ME, DINE ME, VALENTINE ME - Sep 28,2011

    The Official Launch of GAY2AFRIKAs 2012 Tours and Safaris airs on One Voice From Africa today. Learn more about WINE ME, DINE ME, VALENTINE ME, a 12-day special Valentines Day Tour to South Africa which visits Cape Town, Johannesburg, and the luxurious Kapama Private Game Reserve. This private...
  4. T

    WINE ME, DINE ME, VALENTINE ME - Sep 14,2011

    The Official Launch of GAY2AFRIKAs 2012 Tours and Safaris airs on One Voice From Africa today. Learn more about WINE ME, DINE ME, VALENTINE ME, a 12-day special Valentines Day Tour to South Africa which visits Cape Town, Johannesburg, and the luxurious Kapama Private Game Reserve. This private...
  5. T

    WINE ME, DINE ME, VALENTINE ME - Aug 31,2011

    The Official Launch of GAY2AFRIKAs 2012 Tours and Safaris airs on One Voice From Africa today. Learn more about WINE ME, DINE ME, VALENTINE ME, a 12-day special Valentines Day Tour to South Africa which visits Cape Town, Johannesburg, and the luxurious Kapama Private Game Reserve. This private...
  6. K

    How To Reset my Valentine V1 radar detector?

    Ive had my valentine 1 radar for a while now and one day when i turned it on, it just kept going off saying there were multiple Ka alerts around me... i know its not true cause they followed me all the way home and into my garage. Now everytime i turn it on it just keeps going off with multiple...
  7. W

    Valentine's cards - joke with colleagues?

    I've been in my job for 4 months and get on really well with a couple of my coworkers. We have a laugh and joke and go out outside of work. However I'm still conscious that I'm getting to know them. They both have a good sense of humour, and mentioned they do Valentine's pranks on people. So...
  8. M

    what does the humor hotline valentine's day poem say?

    what does it say when you call it there number is 772-257-4666
  9. A

    Who is your celebrity Valentine?

    Justin Bieber
  10. G

    Shall we Meet on Valentine Day-after my Girlfriend want me as only Friend.?

    Hello anyone can advice me! Very recently I had problem with my girlfriend.Now, she told me "she do not love me, she do not have any feelings for me".But, she told me 'I am very good ,so she want me as her good friend only.For reply, I told her it's not possible, I want you as my girlfriend in...
  11. A

    What was your funniest Valentine's Day?

    Was it funny at the time or only now that you look back on it?
  12. D

    where can I buy Handy Manny Valentine cards?

    I want to buy Handy Manny Valentine cards for my son to hand out. I can't find them in the store. Does anyone know where I can buy them? I searched online and couldn't even find them. I did see a pic of a box of 32, so I know they exist. I want to purchase them in store or online, but not on...
  13. C

    what to cook my boyfriend for our valentine's meal?

    i'm cooking for my boyfriend this valentines day, what do you think of this menu as an idea? for starter, camembert and roasted garlic on french stick for main, crab and salmon fishcakes with tartare sauce and potatoes and for dessert, chocolate fondue with things to dip is this okay? if not...
  14. R

    Will the lost valentine come out in DVD?

    I just watched it on tv and fell in love! Will it ever come out on DVD?
  15. C

    Should I greet my ex on Valentine's Day?

    Me and my ex broke up last February 2010. Last week, he asked for my number and started texting me again. He texted me for 3 days and told me he misses me but after those 3 days, he stopped texting again. What does this mean? I still want to talk to him and maybe get him back so can I greet him...
  16. V

    Aphrodisiac Cocktails for Valentine's Day

    As an aphrodisiac, spices are known not only for their heady scent but also for their ability to boost sexual drive. This punch is a perfect cocktail for couples to make at home to get them in the mood. A great social activity, making punch is simple and fun, and the final result is absolutely...
  17. D

    2011 Valentine's Day!!

    Hi,all boys and girls, 2011 Valentine's Day is coming, are u ready? What is your plan?Do u have some new ideas about this Valentine's Day. I surf the internet and found this site is very useful for our Valentine's Day. So share it with everyone. 101 Valentine Things -- Your One Stop Resource...
  18. D

    2011 Valentine's Day!!

    Hi,all boys and girls, 2011 Valentine's Day is coming, are u ready? What is your plan?Do u have some new ideas about this Valentine's Day. I surf the internet and found this site is very useful for our Valentine's Day. So share it with everyone. 101 Valentine Things -- Your One Stop Resource...
  19. M

    avenged sevenfold or bullet for my valentine, who's better?

    I know these bands are a little different from each other, but which do you prefer? ps. please dont leave any rude comments. please.
  20. M

    avenged sevenfold or bullet for my valentine, who's better?

    I know these bands are a little different from each other, but which do you prefer? ps. please dont leave any rude comments. please.