
  1. S

    Downgrade iPhone 4 6.1.3 to 6.1.2 for untethered jailbreak?

    Hello, Just wondering if it's possible to downgrade my iPhone 4 from the current 6.1.3 firmware to 6.1.2 so I can perform an untethered jailbreak? I purchased my device already updated to 6.1.3 and I've been waiting 2 months for an official untethered but it hasn't arrived (and probably won't...
  2. G

    Is there an iPhone/iPod Touch 6.1.3 untethered jailbreak yet?

    I was going to jailbreak my iPod Touch 5 today but I am not sure if there is an untethered jailbreak yet. Can someone tell me a download or if there is no jailbreak 6.1.3 untethered yet? Need Help!!!
  3. D

    Can I jailbreak my iPhone 4S on 6.1.3 Untethered?

    I want to jailbreak my iPhone 4S 6.1.3 untethered if so can someone post the link please? Thank you
  4. B

    How to jailbreak IOS 6.1.3 free untethered?

    Im just wondering if there is a safe and free 6.1.3 update for ipod touch that has came out?
  5. C

    Can i jailbreak my iPhone 4 / ios 6.1.3 (untethered)?

    Mention the jailbreak tool plz..
  6. J

    untethered jailbreak for 5.1 iphone 4?

    hi i was wondering if any1 knows if there is a untethered jailbreak for ios 5.1 not 5.1.1 like i have tryed researching but it comes up with 5.1.1 so i was wondering if any1 knows if there is
  7. K

    Is the untethered jailbreak for ios 6/6.0.1 really out yet?

    I cannot find a straight answer and i think i found one by absinthe but i cannot get the download to work..
  8. J

    Has an UNTETHERED jailbreak for the iPhone 4 come out?

    Just wondering..because news stories only mention the iPhone 5 :P
  9. B

    Iphone 4 Untethered Jailbreak released yet?

    Any info and programs to jailbreak would be great!
  10. H

    I have 4.3.5 iphone 3gs. I want to do an untethered jailbreak. Which version...

    ...should I change to? It seems there currently is no untethered jailbreak for 4.3.5 so I would like to know which version can I upgrade or downgrade to without any problems and jailbreak?? modem firmware 5.16.05
  11. P

    How to jailbreak iOS 5.0.0 iPod Touch 4 untethered...?

    Please use simple words... so i wont get confused. I have already downloaded RedSn0w. If there is any risk please tell me and if i have to download anything, please give me a link :)) tyvm
  12. S

    When will the IOS 5 untethered jailbreak come out?

    I have been really wondering when will the ios 5 untethered jailbreak come out.. I have checked the internet almost daily on figuring out when this thing will come out. I know they are already making an ios 5.02 and already made a ios 5.01, but I am really wondering when will the ios 5...
  13. M

    how to jailbreak iphone 4 4.3.5 firmware Untethered?

    is there any Untethered jailbreak come out for 4.3.5 firmware yet for iphone4???? i just did the tethered jailbreak but its sucks cuz when i install something from cydia it reboots then screen stuck on apple logo. i have to do the jailbreak all over again after that. pls someone tell me if im...
  14. C

    Untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1?

    Do you know any untethered jailbreak method for iOS 5.0.1?
  15. K

    Untethered jailbreak for 4.3.5 on my iphone?

    Is there one out there? It has to be untethered. 4.3.5
  16. K

    Untethered jailbreak for 4.3.5 on my iphone?

    Is there one out there? It has to be untethered. 4.3.5
  17. O

    is there a untethered jailbreak out for ios 5 yet?

    is there a untethered jailbreak for ipod touch 3gens running on ios 5.0 i prefer redsn0w since im using a mac..... i mean the ios 5 before 5.0.1 -__-
  18. O

    Is there a untethered jailbreak out for ios 5 yet?

    **************************PLEASE READ********************************** Is there a untethered jailbreak for a ipod touch 3g running on ios 5.0.1?? Preferably from Redsn0w, also i am using a mac so no windows links please! Lastly, if there isn't one does anyone know when it should be released?
  19. K

    when is the untethered Jailbreak out for iOS 5?

    I was gonna get the tethered jailbreak but it seems a lot for just turning a idevice on. I have had a jailbreak on my iPad 1g when i got it and same with ipod touch 4g so i have evolved around a jailbreak and now i'm getting annoyed that i cant do tweeks :( please tell me a date or some thing...
  20. L

    IOS 5 untethered jailbreak ?

    When will the jailbreak for IOS 5 come out on something like jailbreakme.com I have a iPhone 4 and miss my jail breaking stuff