
  1. F

    Where can you get true free ringtones?

    I have tried iTunes. Once you put in your phone number they want to charge you. What happened to free stuff.
  2. C

    What makes one religion more true than another ?

    Different books, different scriptures, different interpretations, different religions but yet, 1 human race... Meaning there are no true religion, only religions to fit people's ideas... When you same whichever one has the most truth, it means that people settle for a religion, meaning that...
  3. L

    Is it true that Idina Menzel cheated on Taye Diggs with Adam Pascal (their RENT

    costar, Roger)? I heard some rumour like that. I dunno.
  4. M

    QUIZ: What Sign Is Your True Love? Bq: Do you agree and your sign? Your True Love Is a Cancer Why you'll love a Cancer: Cancer's loyal and sincere heart makes your own sensitive heart melt. Caring and devoted, a Cancer will take the lead in pursuing you - and not give up...
  5. M

    QUIZ: What Sign Is Your True Love? Bq: Do you agree and your sign? Your True Love Is a Cancer Why you'll love a Cancer: Cancer's loyal and sincere heart makes your own sensitive heart melt. Caring and devoted, a Cancer will take the lead in pursuing you - and not give up...
  6. Y

    Is it a rumor or true about the tanks?

    There is an individual who posted a link saying that bullets were not being purchased by Homeland Security. It IS true. Also purchasing 2,700 tanks...
  7. E

    Does this rumor sound like it could be true?

    There is this rumor going around my school that some weird girl was masturbating with a hot dog and it broke off inside her and she had to go to the hospital to get it taken out. True, false, or just creepy?
  8. D

    Is it true about what we are discussing?

    Sitting in a southwest texas saloon. We are wondering if it is true Rod stewart swallowed so much sperm that he had to have his stomach pumped in order to save his life. They extracted over 3 gallons. I say it is true but the amount is wrong. Thanks.
  9. P

    Why do atheists and christians battle on what is true?

    I find battles on the interwebs everywhere where there is some pompous atheist, and some pious god worshipper trying to convert each other to their beliefs. I don't see why it really matters, because what someone believes is what they believe, not something to be forced upon them. Muslims...
  10. H

    Is it true that if I can't unlock my iPhone 4 I will never use it again?

    I have just got to know that my iPhone 4 which is locked to Spain ORANGE cannot be unlocked because Orange in Spain does not allow the unlock, and it's been like this for months now. Does this mean my iPhone 4 useless?
  11. T

    Is it true the Tea Party was just a fashion movement from 2009-2012 trying to

    revive britches & tricorner hats? I heard the Tea Party movement was an art/fashion revival movement spawned by angry closeted flamboyant gay males experimenting in cosplay. Now strike a pose. You Need Me!: These Teabaggers were Conservative men wearing capri pants, stockings, wigs, and shoes...
  12. T

    Is it true that only those who follow or believe in Christ go to heaven?

    So according to the statement be many Christians, Moses, Buddha, Muhammad, Gandhi, Japanese inventors, Julius Caesar, and many others may burn in hell instead. Please do not report this question, I am only asking for religious guidance.
  13. I

    If Judaism isn't true, then why are bagels so delicious?

    You can't explain that.
  14. I

    Is Transformers Dark of the Moon based on a true story?

    I know it may seem like a stupid question but I'm watching the news right now and New York still looks pretty messed up from all the robot attacks. How much will it cost to rebuild?
  15. R

    Poll: Is it true that men is attracted to a woman's hair than the face?

    For example: A group of men stood in front of a woman with beautiful long brown hair would call you beautiful. In a Parallel universe: a group of men stood in front of a woman who is bald but has the same pretty face and many man would call her ugly.
  16. P

    Common Pro wrestling trivia (for a true fan)?

    I was executive Producer turned president of a major wrestling company, and use to sell meat out of a van, who am I? I had a record that nobody has ever came close to touching, of 173-0, who am I? I was a vampire who spit blood from a grail, who am I? I was a surfer boy, turned into the crow...
  17. S

    Is it true that without religion science would be more advanced?

    Well, didn't religion(im saying that so i don't ofend anyone). Any way didn't it stop the process of science for hunders of years? Can you imagine how advanced technology would be if religon never slowed it down? Would there be a cure for all these dieses like cancer and aids and so much more...
  18. N

    True or false? New Netherland became a very important and large colony of

    the Dutch empire? True or false? Do you have something to support your claim?
  19. V

    These girls are spreading rumors about me that aren't true?

    These girls have been talking crap on me for weeks now and it's really bothering me. They always talk about me when they see me, and I try to ignore them but its hard. I wanna do something back to show them what they're doing bothers me but that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Help!!!:O
  20. M

    the true identity of jesus Christ?

    i've heard people say that God is a "friend", some say He is a "father"... the question i have is, which is He? is he a friend, father, teacher, all of those, or what?