
  1. M

    How bad can a Yeast Infection get if not treated ^^?

    Like, what's the WORST that can happen ... =/ I've had it for about 3 monthes. I have thrushes too, kinda annoying but w/e. I plan on getting cream next week or so when I have the chance.
  2. B

    Why exactly are celebs treated better in criminal cases?

    We've seen it all before. A celebrity gets caught breaking the law, and he/she gets probation. Joe the Plumber (remember him?) does the same exact crime, and gets jail time. What is the psychology behind celebs getting special treatment?
  3. B

    Why exactly are celebs treated better in criminal cases?

    We've seen it all before. A celebrity gets caught breaking the law, and he/she gets probation. Joe the Plumber (remember him?) does the same exact crime, and gets jail time. What is the psychology behind celebs getting special treatment?
  4. J

    Why is octuplet mom being treated as a celebrity?

    She is trash, exactly what is wrong with America, women being paid to have babies and not work, how come nobody sees this? I just saw on the news she is gonna be on Dr. Phill and she is moving in to this HUGE house, valued at over 5 hundred thousand dollars (for free) something my wife and I...
  5. P

    Dental Surgeon Office Treated Us Oddly?

    I took my son to see a dental surgeon about getting some wisdom teeth out. I heard the girls behind the counter sneering at us. When we left, they offered to find out how much our insurance would pay towards the procedure, but never called me back. I have since called two more times and each...
  6. C

    chance of a person who has had treated lyme disease give bells palsy to offspring?

    i have lyme disease.. this october (in 2009) will be 2 years since i found out.. i was on medication for it.. but i still hurt. if i have kids.. will my kids have bells palsy?
  7. T

    How was people with tuberculosis treated?

    Were they avoided? or Killed? How did other people treat the ones with tuberculosis?
  8. A

    How come furries are treated worse than gay ppl?

    I always see all this stupid sh*t on the net about hating furries to a deep level, and homosexuality is becoming more and more acceptable in the publics eyes. What's the deal, most furries are gay. So who cares if they like anthro's, and dress in fur suits. If you don't know what furry fandom...
  9. A

    My sister is over right now and we are treated differently? While they're both... what should I say? My parents are divorced and I live with my mom (im 13) and my sis lives with my dad (16). My sister sometimes comes over because my mom wants to improve their relationship. However, I'm mad because whenever she's over my mom totally sucks up to her and ignores me...
  10. M

    When my friend went to Japan, she said they treated her like a celebrity.?

    My friend said when she went to Japan, the people there treated her like a celebrity (exaggeration, I'm guessing). But she said a couple actually asked her for an AUTOGRAPH. And the reason is because she was Hawaiian. I was like "whaat???" She's like.. "yeah." Is it true the Japanese actually...
  11. S

    why the Marine Corps is treated like a religion? the commandant is treated like

    the pope, the sgtmaj of...? the Marine Corps is like a bishop, the EGA is almost an idol of worship, and the Marine Corps hymn like a sacred song? and boot camp like a rite of passage, the Marines are full of themselves, how many of u agree?
  12. B

    is this mental depression? if so how can it be treated?

    my gf is 14 and a half. i am 16 and 3 months and we have a long distance relationship that has been going on for 5 and a half months. she is experiencing reoccurring depression. it will go away for periods of time but come back. usually it only goes away when we're talking or when shes with her...
  13. F

    I've been treated for major depression?

    but I've come up from that diagnosis. My symptoms are sluggishness, sleepiness, dizziness, inability to focus or pay attention in school, deep fear, sudden happiness, followed by peace, then relaxation. Followed by I don't care anymore about anything. If I fall asleep, I can't stay asleep, as I...
  14. S

    What if I treated evolution as the religion some say I treat it as?

    I must heed the call of my God. Though I have resisted It's call, I can do so no longer. I kneel before It and praise the name of It's great prophet. Let me share with you the divine nature of It. It is apathetic to my plight and to the plight of every single creature to have walked the face...
  15. W

    Treatment of Jews! Do YOU have experience of them not being treated normally?...

    ...Was it positive or negative? What with a lot of mention of Gaza (and the Holocaust, and challenges to it) on Y/A lately, what are your perceptions of how Jews are treated? Have they been treated normally in your experience? If not, how has it been different? Amber--interesting. Which country?
  16. S

    hey i have a burn on my face, its not been treated for 5 days, any advice on how... stop scarring? the burn happened wen i was slightly intoxicated and i dont remember it happening, however i thought it was a cut wen i woke up and i just left it until today wen i noticed how it had gotten really red and horrible looking and it keeps oozing liquid. i really dont want it 2...
  17. S

    Do mosquito fish need to be in treated water?

    Can they stay outside in a flower pot/basin? If so...should I get a water plant for shade for them?? I live on Oahu so it never gets THAT cold...(lowest is maaaaybe 60) any advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
  18. W

    Should Hollywood directors and producers be treated like CEO's?

    Obama's spending bill contains 256 million that will be spent by hollywood to buy "film" yes you heard it right FILM as in FILM----------So since this FILM may be used to make a movie that will generate maybe hundreds of millions of dollars shouldnt any one who uses this FILM be held to or...