
  1. A

    Titus the Trick Shot Toddler owns Jimmy Kimmel in free throw competition

    Earlier in February the world was introduced to Titus the Trick Shot Toddler. At the time, 2-year-old Titus was trucking his mini-hoop and soft mini basketballs all over the place, connecting on unlikely buckets from all across his parents' property. Now he's taking his show on the road...
  2. G

    These Massive Extinct Eagles Could Have Carried Off That Toddler's Dad

    Yesterday, a video supposedly showing a golden eagle swooping down to pluck a toddler from a Montreal park—it was unsuccessful, luckily—hit the internet. Great video! This morning, avian experts both amateur and professional began weighing in, saying the video was doctored, that the bird in...
  3. M

    Good games, toys, iPad apps for an autistic toddler?

    I know of someone whose 2 year old was just diagnosed with autism. What are fun and imaginative games, toys, iPad apps that are good for her?
  4. G

    If your toddler falls from your window, will it necessarily die?

    No! A surprising number of toddlers who manage to get their way through a window opening to fall to the pavement below live. Something just over three thousand toddlers do this every year in the US. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  5. G

    Toddler stuck in a well? There's an app for that!

    But seriously ... if you have a well, get it capped, please! Read the comments on this post...
  6. D

    What would you do if a toddler broke your gaming console or handheld?

    WTF kandie? It's only a quiz. I never show my gaming to little children! More like a 78 year old mother...
  7. B

    Is it safe for a toddler to ride in a 88' suv?

    In a carseat of course
  8. A

    Why is my toddler whining so much?

    I have 17 month old twon girls. One of them has been so incredibly cranky lately. She whines most of the day. Nothing has changed too much in her routine. I thought maybe it was her back teeth bothering her. I give her teething rings, i tried a frozen washcloth (she didnt want it), and sometimes...
  9. C

    What is your opinion regarding the Chinese toddler hit by truck and van?
  10. B

    Handheld Game system for a toddler?

    We have older kids and a toddler. The older kids have a nintendo DS lite. The toddler cries every time we go anywhere in the car, since the older kids play their games and he has nothing. I was told a fisher price iXL would be good for him but I am not sure which system would be better. I would...
  11. C

    Anyone ever use a dvd for their toddler to watch about potty training?

    Did this help them want to use the potty?
  12. M

    Sippy cup struggles: A toddler with a broken arm offers a unique perspective

    [No message]
  13. N

    My toddler is getting a cold and we have a 3 day vacation. What to do ?

    We are going on a little vacation to Catalina Island we have been planning for sometime. My son is getting a little cold. He is fine during the day but he is fussy at bedtime he has a little stuffy nose. Should we stay home from out trip , or go?
  14. G

    If your toddler falls from your window, will it necessarily die?

    No! A surprising number of toddlers who manage to get their way through a window opening to fall to the pavement below live. Something just over three thousand toddlers do this every year in the US. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  15. M

    Introducing Spanish to an already speech-delayed toddler?

    My son didn't say his first word until he was 19 months old. He is now almost 2 and his vocabulary has expanded tremendously (around 50 words or so) thanks largely to working diligently with him and a speech therapist. We have found that he is only expressive language delayed. His understanding...
  16. T

    How does your toddler go out he house on sims 3 ambitions for iPod or iPhone?

    I want to take my toddler someplace that's not in my square of land but it won't let me PLEASE HELP ME I don't wanna leave him with the nanny because she makes him cry everytim I get home !!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. D

    Do you think that it's dangerous to let a toddler sit on the counter while you're

    cooking? My son is 16 months old, and since he was about 12 months old he loves to watch us cook, so we just sit him up on the counter so he can watch us cook. In the beginning we always made sure that he was within arms reach in case he tried to get down, and we were always super careful about...
  18. L

    K, Some more links regarding toddler nutrition?

    I had a talk last night with my Godson's mom about how he's eating. I feed him healthy foods without any issues when I have him, but she caves into giving him a pop tart for dinner if he doesn't eat what she serves. She initiated the conversation so I know she's open to advice, and I told her...
  19. A

    Best blackberry apps for my toddler?

    Hey does anyone know of the best blackberry apps I can use to keep my 4yr old busy at a doctors office or when I need a few min? Thanks!
  20. D

    What is the best forward-facing toddler seat to use in a truck with extended cab?

    I am looking at buying a 4WD pickup. I live in the mountains of WV and really need to get something that will safely get my family from point A to point B as well as provide a vehicle that I can work out of. I am currently looking at a 1995 F150 4X4 with a supercab. The toddler seat that we...