
  1. J

    What are the things i want to consider when buying a auto repair software?

    What's a good auto repair software to use in my shop?
  2. V

    What cool geeky things can I get on Ebay for under 60 bucks (that aren't gadgets)?

    I am a 14 year old geek, but I have enough gadgets to play around with. I am now searching for cool things such as the element- Gallium, which is metal that melts in your hand, or frozen smoke. Please help, because my parents say I should get something for myself that is not a gadget. THANKS!
  3. D

    1/2 page Composition of things in my bag?

    I should write what is in my bag, purse, or backpack and I'm suppose to imitate the writing style in the novel, chapter 1, The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. I have to include the tangible objects and intagible things, that are personal and reveal something about myself. I have to say the...
  4. J

    Toyota Tacoma and Nissan Frontier owners: What things do you like/dislike...

    ...about your truck? I am looking into purchasing a truck in the relatively near future, and I've narrowed my selection to either the Tacoma or the Frontier. However, before going through with any major purchase, I wanted to hear from owners of these vehicles about things they liked or didn't...
  5. A

    Do you believe in supernatural things?

    I certainly do. Yet It'd be weird of me saying this because I am 15 years old. I believe in zombies, vampires, werewolves and ghost. I also believe that anything that happens in cartoons WILL happen eventually. Maybe within 20 years, maybe with 20 millions years. Like remember the Jetsons...
  6. A

    10 Things That Happened When I Tried A Pole Dancing Class

    I feel like every time I pick up the Daily Mail I read about a woman who is losing weight by pole dancing. Every time. It appears all they have to do is go in and they are losing weight and swinging their bodies around the pole like a spider monkey. I thought maybe it would be fun to write my...
  7. A

    The 6 Best Things I Sampled At The NYC Vegetarian Food Festival

    The NY Vegetarian Food Festival this weekend included tons of vegetarian & vegan food vendors—and they offered samples. Here are six of the best new products I tried, including vegan "white cheddar" popcorn and a meatless, artisanal jerky. More » The 6 Best Things I Sampled At The NYC...
  8. E

    Atheists, are you jealous that you don't have an easy button when things get tough?

  9. A

    New Research Says Skinny Models Don’t Actually Sell Things (Because They Make Us Feel

    A recent study by Warwick Business School found that the age-old (actually most likely decades-old—thanks, Mad Men) ad strategy to sell products by featuring skinny, beautiful women in advertisements can actually backfire. Surprised? More » New Research Says Skinny Models Don’t Actually Sell...
  10. T

    what are basic necessary things to travel to fort?

    Basic things for women
  11. N

    Where can I find the mp3 of PESS vs T.a.t.u. nightcore version of "All the Things

    Where can I find the mp3 of PESS vs T.a.t.u. nightcore version of "All the Things She Said"? It only gives me either PESS or just Nightcore, but I want both. It obviously exists, because people on youtube have it. I want it on my ipod though, (downloadable and mp3), so yeah, give a direct link...
  12. S

    What are some things Canadians say different than Americans?

    Thank you! Hope this doesn't offend anyone
  13. G

    Britney Spears' New Boyfriend: 5 Things to Know About David Lucado

    Y'all probably heard that Britney Spears has a new boyfriend! David Lucado has been identified as the pop star's once mysterious Valentine's Day date. Although he initially...
  14. F

    Things u like /dislike in michigan?

    So I havetoo write a presentation about things I like and dislike in Michigan but I need a little help here I don't usually go out to see it I've been here for only 2 months
  15. M

    How about some political blue bell ice cream right now, Would that cool things off?

    There is nothing from me to fear. Im as gentle as a lame. With teeth. I mean a lame lamb. @Dangerous Mr. You stop. Im awful weak this morning. You could almost take advantage of me. @Dei, I havent seen that in a long time.
  16. R

    Can I change a few things on DC Universe?

    I just finished making my character on DCU this morning. However, just after making him I realized I that I want to alter a few things. Is there a way to change the character, the characters name, or the difficulty?
  17. E

    4 Pictures 1 Word cards and hydraulic car things! help?

    The First 2 pictures are hydrualic lifts under a car that they use to lift up cars from underneath!! and the bottom 2 are cards one close up and one Jack of clubs. The letters that are available are U D J K J A R C H V Z L
  18. T

    Christians, why do you ignore everything with proof and believe things without proof?

    Explain that for me Christians. Evolution is fact whether you believe it or not Christians, so don't try and dispute it. Evolution has mountains of evidence, and you're going to ignore it all and only believe things that have been proved wrong? Please explain. No smart-ass answers.
  19. 2

    What are some active things a Christian can do to make it more 'real'?

    How do you suggest Christians keep Christianity 'real' in their life? You know, existence itself can cloud the experience...bills, work, family, 'problems', fears of this or that that need attention, even fatigue. Are there real things, active things a Christian can...
  20. T

    Things To Include On My Essay "To Kill A Mockingbird?"?

    I Need Lots Of Examples From The Book About Prejudice . As Many As You Can Think Because i Cant Really Think Of Noe Right Now And i Need You Guys Help . My Essay Is About This Theme “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside...