
  1. L

    Which theorists' work should I look at? Political correctness and humour in English

    Language? For my A-level english coursework, I am doing an investigation and it would really help if anyone could come up with any theorists or people who do work on political correctness, humour, language and society or language and context? thankyou!
  2. A

    Discuss how the humanistic theorists (Rogers, Maslow, and Frankl) might...

    ...respond to this question from a potent? Discuss how the humanistic theorists (Rogers, Maslow, and Frankl) might respond to this question from a potential client: "I have been a patient of Dr. Steve Smith, who is a psychoanalyst. He feels that I need three years of therapy to explore my id-ego...
  3. N

    Why do evolution theorists try to argue with Creationism...?

    when all of their foremost scholars admit they cant prove evolution and its just a theory, yet all Creationist scholars agree that the Bible is the truth? How can they think their argument has any standing against Creationism when their own community doesn't even believe it? KA-BOOOOOOOOOM INDEED!
  4. O

    Classical Theorists mainly argue that problems in Capitalism are?

    Do you think it's gay to have an interest in women's fashion? I appreciate the art, and beauty of women's fashion. I read Vogue magazine, and watch fashion videos, but I'm not a cross dresser, don't die about shopping, don't wear makeup, I don't act like I'm part of the Queer Eye for Straight...
  5. N

    It's kind of hard to laugh at the conspiracy theorists when you see this on Yahoo? What? I realize they're talking about it in a different manner, but seeing the words, "new world order" (and especially as a positive thing) on a website like Yahoo in particular, and not some obscure conspiracy site, is starting...
  6. M

    Sweeping statements made by the new world order conspiracy theorists?

    They tell us the worlds population would not be allowed to rise above 500 million people.Well the world is over populated and resources are running out fast.So what is so bad about making sure of the survival of the human race? After thats what we are all trying to do is it not survive?
  7. I

    Why do people get called conspiracy theorists when there are facts to

    prove certain things? Is it because you've been conditioned(brainwashed) to think that anything outside hte "norm" is "crazy"? Such as the New World Order...come on! Theres so much proof in this its crazy...they TALK about it all the time!!!! right in our faces. Such as the 13 bloodlines,the...
  8. L

    So are the Bushs, Obama and Gordon Brown conspiracy theorists since they talk...

    ...about a New World Order? So are the Bushs, Obama and Gordon Brown conspiracy theorists since they talk about a New World Order all the time? Whenever I ask a question about the NWO I get attacked and called all sorts of names.. Conspiracy theorist to be the most common insult. Well I want to...
  9. C

    WHy is it that conspiracy theorists dont do any research?

    take the recent mandarin hotel fire in Madrid that left the building standing. That building was supported by steel that was concrete reinforced. Therefore the concrete around the steel absorbed the heat and prevented its collapse. The WTC did not have concrete reinforced anything. ALso the...
  10. B

    Conspiracy theorists, can you form a good theory on this one.?

    In 2001ish, the FHA controlled about a 30% market share in the mortgage business. Then the sub prime lenders came and knocked the FHA down to about a 5% market share. In 2006ish the FHA went to congress and asked to change their charter, so they could compete. Quickly, they were turned down. In...
  11. E

    For all you conspiracy theorists: How can you justify accusing your own...

    ...government of? Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6th august, 1945 and on 9/8 '45 with an already defeated Japan asking to surrender on the 4th of July, a month earlier? Killing over 200,000 Japanese. Surely you know how necessary it was to bomb Dresden, Germany, a refugee city with red...
  12. O

    Why has Glenn Beck joined the ranks of the wacko conspiracy theorists?

    FEMA Camps? Federal Reserve isn't a government entity? What next? Santa Claus is REAL after all?
  13. C

    Are conspiracy theorists really dumb enough to believe there was thermate... the twin towers? IF there was thermate it would have caused the buildings to collapse withen a few seconds of the plane hitting. Second of all thermate does not cut at an angle. The picture they claim is "proof" was taken during cleanup. also, buildings like the world trade center are...
  14. T

    Are there more conspiracy theorists than ever these days?

    I would say yes as the American government has become more secretive in recent years. As folks lose trust, suspicion rises and that creates a ripe atmosphere for conspiracy theories and wide-ranging speculation regarding the official explanations of major events. What is your opinion on the...
  15. B

    What to global warming conspiracy theorists think of the discovery of an active

    volcano in Antartica? Do you think that might cause a bit of ice to melt? Or do you think the volcano is a hoax? Bought your carbon credits yet?
  16. C

    Should 9/11 conspiracy theorists be locked up in an asylum?

    Where they cant hurt anyone else ever again? First of all they are extremely militaristic as it is. One of them beat up an 18 year old girl in a wheel chair simply because she was a fan of Laura Bush. (Thankfully her father kicked his ass). Another one stabbed his father to death in his...
  17. C

    WHy cant 9/11 conspiracy theorists do real research?

    "With the fiery inferno of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel (MOH) in Beijing on February 9, 2009, the obvious point of comparison is with World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7) on September 11, 2001. Yes, the buildings were very similar in size, and in some ways in construction. Their heights were comparable...
  18. T

    What are your thoughts on Conspiracy Theorists?

    What do you see them as? And I'm not referring to the "alien" kind. I'm talking about the NWO, Illuminati, JFK assassination, etc. kind. To add to my question, what are your thoughts on the ones with compelling evidence who try to save America from their ignorance?
  19. T

    What happens when conspiracy theorists start turning on each other and the...

    ...innocent people? You don't have to watch these videos. In short there conspiracy theorists' videos saying that even Ron Paul is part of the/a conspiracy. I'm not denouncing Paul, but even he can't be that bad for people to think that even he's some evil conspiracy. I think he's the...
  20. N

    Why do conspiracy theorists believe fluoride (in the tap H20) is added for...

    ...subversive purposes...? ...such as (and above all) brain-washing. I read an answer to a question here on this site in which someone claimed that there are higher amounts of it in/near military installations and bases and what-not. Yes, I believe the military is a sick, sick way to use my...