
  1. D

    Im an MMA fighter with fair experience fighting but I still get TERRIFIED, any tips

    for dealing with fear? I know the best option is Mushin but thats something that takes years to get right, what are some more practical shorter term solutions for a naturally anxious person? I mean the fear is so intense it totally takes control of me and I succumb to the emotion.
  2. S

    I'm terrified to get my wisdom teeth out?

    I am 25 years old, and recently started having a lot of pain due to my wisdom teeth. I also get a lot of headaches that my dentist says is most likely from my wisdom teeth. My lower ones are both impacted. The ones on the top are bulging under my gums. I am terrified of having them removed. i'm...
  3. K

    Terrified about cars condition..new one?>?

    I have an 03 Lancer with 149,000 miles. Have had it 4 years,bought it with 102,000 miles. Im starting to get concerned,#1 I live in Tulsa,Ok with very bad roads,and potholes,and I bought low profile performance rims from my friend the first year I bought it. Apparently Oklahoma roads dont like...
  4. R

    I've broken into copywriting as a career, but as a newbie, I'm terrified...

    ...of deadlines!? I love writing, and consider myself both a writer and an artist. An all-around creative person. I'm excited to be breaking into copywriting as my first career, but I am so afraid of the turn-around time, the deadlines, afraid of cracking under the sudden pressure of the foreign...
  5. T

    What would be a good practical joke to play on a friend who's terrified of being...

    ...buried alive? Apart from actually burying him alive.
  6. S

    I am extremely terrified of google. How can I get over my fear?

    I've been scared of google for a while now, it's a really bad phobia and I just can't get over it. Even the word "google" freaks me out. I HAVE to search for stuff with yahoo, because that's how much google scares me. I don't know how it all started, I just woke up one day and couldn't use...
  7. L

    Should I go on vacation this weekend or not? I'm terrified of flying and other...

    ...circumstances...? I am a 30 year old female. I live with my disabled mother and grandmother. I help them daily - both financially and with chores. I also, work for a hospital as a teacher. I have only been on vacation once in my life and that was at age 9 to Maine. I know this is pathetic but...
  8. K

    Terrified of the exorcist?

    Okay so I've never seen any of the films, nor do I EVER want to. I've seen some pictures, and they scare the crap out of me. Just the thought of it gives me the chills. Can someone tell me how to be less afraid of it? The preview for the new movie is on all the time, and it's just so scary...
  9. K

    Terrified of the exorcist?

    Okay so I've never seen any of the films, nor do I EVER want to. I've seen some pictures, and they scare the crap out of me. Just the thought of it gives me the chills. Can someone tell me how to be less afraid of it? The preview for the new movie is on all the time, and it's just so scary...
  10. A

    My dog is terrified of fireworks, what can I do to help him?

    So as you obviously know, tonight's the 4th of July and everyone is going to be shooting off fireworks. Well this is the first time we've ever been home for the 4th, we usually go to the beach and leave him at an animal place. We've never known how terrified he actually was of fireworks, he gets...
  11. M

    This is serious, but I'm terrified of the dentist lol?

    I have an appointment with the Dentist at 4pm which is like 1 hour and 15 mins away. I hate goint to the dentist, I hate the scratching noise of that metal pointy thing they put in my mouth and the rubber taste of the gloves that the dentist wears. How can I not be scared? Because I'm 16 and...
  12. D

    Hey my dog (pug/terrier) use to be good on walks but is now terrified, any...

    ...suggestions? he has always been scared of the bus and going under the subway, we live in the city. He use to love going for walks then one day the bus went by as normal and he got scared and now he hates going on walks. I just dont get it because it use to be his favorite thing and now...
  13. C

    Terrified from the guy in last relationship...hard to get over and move

    on..what to do? Hi everyone, I have quite a complicated situation....In relationships..i am usually very Independent,i break up, i move on..and it has never been a problem for me..Until i dated this last guy...and it was a horrible experience..Lots of fights..argument..he made stupid accusations...
  14. C

    Terrified from the guy in last relationship...hard to get over and move

    on..what to do? Hi everyone, I have quite a complicated situation....In relationships..i am usually very Independent,i break up, i move on..and it has never been a problem for me..Until i dated this last guy...and it was a horrible experience..Lots of fights..argument..he made stupid accusations...
  15. K

    My boyfriend is terrified of PDA, how can i get him to open up a little?

    When we're alone, he's a totally different person. He's so affectionate, almost annoying! But he won't even sit NEAR me when his friends are around, i don't get it. What can i say to him? He won't ever open up about stuff, if we even try to have a serious conversation he changes the subject, so...
  16. K

    My boyfriend is terrified of PDA, how can i get him to open up a little?

    When we're alone, he's a totally different person. He's so affectionate, almost annoying! But he won't even sit NEAR me when his friends are around, i don't get it. What can i say to him? He won't ever open up about stuff, if we even try to have a serious conversation he changes the subject, so...
  17. R

    My daughter was in an accident and she's terrified to go back to school?

    My 12 year old daughter was in an accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down and she is now confined to a wheelchair, dependent on a ventilator and she has to be diapered, etc...She is going to be ready to start school again though in the fall, where she'll have assistance throughout...
  18. G

    I'm terrified of sex and my future husband is BIG, please help?

    We'er getting married in a couple months, and while i love him with all my heart I've always been terrified of sex. We've talked about it and I know he'll be gentel and go slow but I just can't get over being scared. I'm 5'6" and he's 6'4" he's a lot bigger than me which is great, but he has a...
  19. L

    Ive got a bike, but my mums terrified me from riding it...?

    Basically i live in london, and shes says if i ride it i will just get run over... wtf - Are there any cycling safety websites?
  20. D

    Red around buthole.Bump between anus&vagina. Im 14 & terrified to see a...

    ...doctor. DOCTORS/NURSES HELP? I have a wormlike bumpish thing lining the area between my anus and vagina, starting at the inside of the anus. I'm so terrified. It's not the kind of bump you would squeeze for pus or anything, but it's fairly small. Oh my god, I'm so terrified I think I'm going...