
  1. B

    Is purchasing a 2000 Toyota Camry Ce 138,000 km for $6995. (includes taxes) a good

    deal? I am looking for a good reliable car for under $10,000. I am unable to buy new now but have had my share of lemons with used.
  2. L

    Obama is styling his stimulus after FDR. Did you know FDR raised taxes up

    to 91% of income? So let's get this straight: FDR increased government spending precipitously. FDR increased income taxes to almost 100% to pay for it... ...and FDR presided over one of the longest recessions in history. Oh wait...I forgot, no one every tells you that part. Yes, folks, FDR...
  3. M

    Can a truck driver claim cell phone use on taxes?

    The phone is used for business primarily.. I do not own the truck, I drive it for a company but I use my phone all the time for business..
  4. S

    Should I report the sale of my comic book collection on my taxes if I took a huge...

    ...loss? I recently sold the bulk of my massive personal comic book collection, which I had been amassing for some 35 years. I kept the issues that were worth money and sold the less-rare ones. I basically received 18 cents an issue for the collection, which is a lot less than I could have...
  5. K

    So...Since Christianity isn't a religion, when are you guys going to pay some taxes?

    Dolly just mad cause she ain't got none.
  6. H

    If both parents filed taxes with child as dependent on both and custody... to be shared, what can be done? Custody is supposed to be 50/50 but the mom moved without notice and took the child so now the 50/50 shared physical custody cannot be shared but she is receiving child support. Both parents filed taxes claiming the child. What can be done if one wants to...
  7. M

    How to report sale of Employee Stock Purchase Plan shares on taxes (NOT options)?

    Last year I participated in my employer's stock purchase plan. This is NOT a stock option, just simply buying a set amount of stock via regular payroll deduction. I did sell some of this stock last year and I'm not sure what date to put as "date acquired" on my taxes since I acquired it...well...
  8. E

    Do I have to pay taxes on sale of house I inherited?

    My brother and I inherited our Mothers home. We sold it and I am trying to figure out how to file my taxes. Where to claim the half of the money I received from the sale? Anyone who can help
  9. A

    Why do Republicans say they are against taxes, yet whine when a Democrat...

    ...gets a tax deduction? Seems like a double standard to me!
  10. B

    democrats love tax hikes...they never pay their taxes?

    I would love them too If in the end I didnt have to pay them till I wanted a cabinet post job. wouldnt you? who is the hypocrite now - at least our folks who dont pay didnt want them to begin with LOL yeah but the only reason Republicans have sex scandles is cause Dms dont have a moral fiber and...
  11. S

    Toyota Vehicle rebate and taxes if any?

    I recently bought a new Lexus, my brother in law works for Toyota, where you can submit for a rebate on behalf of family members. He rec'd a check but no taxes were taken out..Will he be taxed on this amount? Just want to clarify so I am not short changing him
  12. H

    filing income taxes over the internet?

    I Heard About To File My Taxes.i Am Dealing With An Annuity That Is $6000 Over The Initial Investment($50000).as Of 2008 I Removed $56,000 Since Is A Deferred Annuity. Can I Use Taxact?/ Thanks Gbr
  13. I

    Im thinking about selling used cars.How do I go about paying taxes.?

    Information on any thing related to selling cars would be helpful also such as dealers licenses,dealer fees,and car taxes.Do I pay taxes monthly or just fill out a form at the end of the year.
  14. C

    Can I claim use of my truck on my taxes.....?

    Im a groundskeeper for a local apartment complex. I use my truck daily to haul trash and such. The only paper trail for that is on my time sheets. My boss writes on my time sheet whether Im in the office or out in the field. Mostly Im out on the property doing things. I havent wrote down mileage...
  15. M

    Are taxes owed on a "quick sale" to avoid foreclosure?

    We avoided foreclosure on our house a few months ago by doing a "quick sale" I this the same as a "short sale"? And I am wondering now that tax season is I going to be responsible for the taxes on the sale of the house? I didn't make a cent off of the sale but I'm just...
  16. J

    Question about taxes on an internet business?

    I'm doing an econ project where I open an internet bookstore. I have all of the information except what type of taxes I would have to pay. Can someone help me out? I dont need a lot of detail, just the name of the taxes and possibly (optional) an estimate of what it might be. Thank you so much...
  17. B

    how do i go about searching for a house to buy on back taxes on the internet?

    i am looking to buy a house but i heard that you can buy one on back taxes for super cheap, does anyone know how to go about searching for these houses on the internet?