
  1. H

    What does Judaism say about tattoos and body piercings?

    I have seen a lot of Jewish people with tattoos and body piercings but always heard that the this isn’t really approved of in Judaism but is this really true and if so why would so many people defy their religion by doing it?
  2. S

    Tattoos in the air force ?

    I have 6 tattoos. All of them expect 1 ( which I'm getting removed ) are covered by every day clothing. I've made the decision to join the air force. I have a tattoo of butterflies and flowers going less than half way up my leg. Will this disqualify me from joining? I'm always looking for any...
  3. M

    The future of blood glucose monitoring: From apps to tattoos

    [No message]
  4. A

    Napoli owner impressed by Leo Messi?s lack of tattoos, fails to realize Messi has tat

    Napoli owner Aurelio De Laurentiis is a strange man. We've already established this. He denounces his Italian citizenship and storms out of fixture draws before catching a ride on a stranger's scooter and he introduces new players to the press by putting them in lion masks. So it should come as...
  5. T

    Alcohol Consumption, Tattoos And Piercings Associated With Risky Behavior

    Tattoos and body piercings have become so popular in western societies that many consider them fashion trends. While people acquire tattoos and piercings for different reasons, prior research has shown that individuals who do so are also more likely to engage in risky behaviors that include...
  6. C

    Guys do you like tattoos on the opposite sex?

    is it a turn off? how many would you draw the line at? & where do you think a tattoo is totally unacceptable & you cant stand?
  7. J

    why do christians get tattoos?

    nothing against christians at all (i'm one), but if this world is not their home than why do they spend so much money getting full sleeve tattoos and neck tattoos, back tattoos,etc??
  8. T

    We're can i Download HP CD/DVD Tattoos Driver/Software?

    i lost the CD......... anyone can give me a source.....
  9. L

    Tattoos In a workplace (Trades)?

    Hello, i am wondering if it is ok for people in trades like electrician, carpenter, stuff like that to have tattoos. I know theres certain things people have to follow, like can be covered up and not vular stuff like that All i want is a tattoo on my under forearm right and left, just in medium...
  10. B

    gizmos tattoos on greenville ave?

    is this a good quality tattoo place
  11. B

    Why do we ask questions about fashion tattoos and piercings?

    We are going to do what when want anyways?? So whats the point. I do it, i just i dont know why? Lol
  12. A

    What is the best ointment for new tattoos?

    I've heard of so many different things to put on a new tattoo, everything from hand lotion to triple antibiotic. Plus there are also tattoo aftercare products available too. Do any of those work?
  13. T

    POLL: Girls, tattoos?

    What are your thoughts on how tattoos look on guys. I'm NOT talking about crap ones like cartoons or "I'm so drunk I'm just gonna get this random tribal design right here!" ones. I mean like strategically planned and thought-out designs done professionally. Apparently a poll puts this in the...
  14. I

    Tattoos ruining chance at doing sports?

    Can getting a tattoo get you kicked off a Virginia high school swim team?
  15. K

    Where can i find Spaulding and Rogers tattoos online?

    My dad is looking for a specific tattoo of a panther, a waterfall, and a little jungle scene altogether. Well, the last time he saw this tattoo was at a tattoo place that had shut down quite some years ago. The people who did it was Huck Spaulding. I have been searching on the internet (google...
  16. W

    i have many tattoos on both my arms can I get a job at disney ?

    I am looking to drive bus for them. but not sure I should even apply with the tats I have
  17. S

    do tattoos huuuurt? lol?

    Well obviously but whats it like?
  18. H

    Vacation and Tattoos...My friend and I are getting tattoos on vaca. We...

    ...will be in the sun, and I was wondering? if it made sense to get it during the trip or right at the end. I'm assuming at the end since tattoos and sun dont get along. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or advice. Thanks.
  19. B

    Can i please have some ideas for song lyric tattoos that are metal or punk?

    It would be very much appreciated and if you could the band that the lyrics came from with the idea :) xxoxoo
  20. B

    Can i please have some ideas for song lyric tattoos that are metal or punk?

    It would be very much appreciated and if you could the band that the lyrics came from with the idea :) xxoxoo