
  1. T

    Hot TALENT SPECIAL EVENT - Feb 28,2010

  2. S

    soundtrack played when paul potts is first introduced in Britain's got talent?

    I love the song played at the beginning of the video. Here's the link to the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k08yxu57NA
  3. M

    What 3 states have the most football talent?

    In my opinion; California, Texas, & Florida. But I don't know a lot. What states have the most talented football players coming out of high school? Which states have the best teams? I know in the mid-west football is taken real serious, but what are the top three states in your opinion?
  4. G

    Billy Talent - Billy Talent III-2009-YSP

    Category: Music-MP3 (Rock) Size: 94.90 MB Files: 22 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed September 30th 13:53:54 UTC Download NZB
  5. G

    Billy Talent-Billy Talent III-Bonus Disc-2009-MTD

    Category: Music-MP3 (Rock) Size: 96.18 MB Files: 27 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed September 30th 13:53:44 UTC Download NZB
  6. G

    Love or Crush? Jealousy and lack of talent to make a girl laugh kills me!!!?

    I work in a call centre like environment and we get to sit next to each other. Recently I have got a crush or love for a girl who sits next to me and I'v been working with her for the last 4 years but now I'v developed something unusual and now I expect her to treat me in the same way she treats...
  7. S

    Has anyone had luck with the Future Talent Show on Jimmy Kimmel?

    I was considering sending in a tape just for fun. I can sing some and I didn't think it would do any harm so why not? I'm not really looking to become famous but has anyone had any luck with this?
  8. S

    which song should I sing for the future talent show?

    I want to try out for the next talent show which isnt until a while but I need to know real quick. So which song do you think fits better with my voice? The volume is really low so sorry!! P.S. youtube videos are being slow right now so... just try to make it work please...
  9. C

    What kind of music is good to dance at a talent show with?

    I have auds for a talent show in 2 weeks and IDK what kind of music should I use? Any music without curse words is good maybe some b-more club music. Can anyone plz help me?
  10. O

    Why is my brother richer than me and head of a big Hollywood talent agency?

    I dont no what you are talking about.
  11. P

    Do you think this Disney Talent Search will Travel to Different locations?

    Hi i know that Disney is Having a talent search And im Pumped but the thing is that it is only in California and i believe that there is Talent at Different Places I personally live in Florida and would love the chance to Audition For this Here is the Link...
  12. A

    What is it with people that say that rap sucks and takes no talent?

    I get it that most today are awful, but there are some very skill-full people out there. Try and take all the time you want and I'm sure you couldn't even put up any rhyme as good as Eminem, BIG or Nas .... Just remember ... all genres have awful acts ... and for every awful rapper there are 5...
  13. S

    America's Got Talent 4 deadline question?

    Helllo!!!The website(America got talent) say's to submit online videos by Feb 10 2009!!! and today is the Feb 9, do you think they will accept my video on the 10th(deadline date)? the reason im asking is because some people dont accept anything on the deadline date! thanks! to all that answer
  14. A

    i wanna know if there is a talent show?

    If you're talking about the one in Kentucky, then there seems to be no information that suggests that there is a talent show. If you'd like to make sure, here is their website: http://www.crawford.fcps.net/ If you're talking about the one in Texas, then I can't find any information about the...
  15. Y

    What are good dance moves for a school talent show?

    im gona join the school talent show with 3 other girls im a guy and i want to kno some moves me and my partners can do ......and please add a songg to the danceee thanks please answer this by thursday the 12th
  16. R

    How long can WWE last if they continue to fail at developing new talent?

    So they botched Colt Cabana's debut with a horrible gimmick, that's fine. I'm a big fan of Cabana and wanted to see him succeed, but I can understand if they want to rebrand him. Send him down to Florida to work out something new. What I don't understand is the whole "Kizarny" fiasco. Why...
  17. J

    Anyone else fustrated with all these celebrities with no talent but still gets money?

    Im am so tired with all these stupid celebrities with no talent at all and they are still famous. Like the whole Hills cast and people from Celebrity Big Brother. I heard they get at least 100 000 pounds. That amount of money could stop some one's house from getting foreclosure and could also...
  18. EricH

    Has Hollywood Lost It's Talent?

    I've been watching old movies from the 30s and 40s lately, and have begun to see a trend; when an actor was in a movie back then, usually they had more then just acting ability. They usually sang or danced or played an instrument. They were good looking, emotive and skilled entertainers. These...
  19. G

    Billy Talent-Billy Talent II-(Retail)-2006-MP3

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 113.78 MB Files: 25 (6 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun January 18th 15:50:15 UTC Download NZB
  20. L

    Tell me about ur skills or talent as much as you can. ?

    How you do it, how you learned it, what you enjoy about it, how you learned about it, how you do it? what is difficult about it, how it has affected your life--any of these specifics are welcome.