
  1. N

    I think my dog swallowed an advil a few days ago?

    Three nights ago my 12-pound chihuahua/terrier began behaving very sick, throwing up a LOT and had one incident of runny black diarrhea. He had tremors while we were sleeping and didn't seem as active as he usually is. I thought it was just a flu at first, or a stomach sickness, and made sure he...
  2. Z

    Accidently swallowed AJAX liquid dish soap and maybe powered soap? o.O Am I...

    ...going to be ok? I pulled a cup out of the dishwasher and filled it up with some tea, when I took a drink I noticed there was some soap still floating around and it had a horrible taste. I took two/three drinks before I noticed. Am i going to be ok?
  3. G

    Long Island man swallowed by sinkhole

    Regarding this: Gotta fill those wells! Read the comments on this post...
  4. M

    i just swallowed a lot of water based poulporie will it hurt me?

    i dont know how to spell it but you know what i mean
  5. T

    I just swallowed a 4mg nicotine lozenge, will I OD?

    I was gulping water with it in my cheek but swallowed it. Any advice? I drank some water and accidentely swallowed my lozenge. I should have taken it out before drinking
  6. J

    .my buddie just swallowed some of her dads tobacco.....?

    It says 32ounce. And she was hungry, and didn't know what it was. Her dad is always eating it and she thought it was her dads candy. Shes also also a little mentally retarded. By that I mean, she has a mild case of down syndrome. Is this unhealthy? If she swallowed the whole thing in the can?Is...
  7. H

    What do I do?? I swallowed a few drops visine!?

    Okay, I have issues, I know. The whole world put pressure on me and my own mom said many things that made me feel worthless. I once heard about how air attendents that if a passenger was mean they would put a few drops of visine in their food to make them very sick. So, I swallowed a few drops...
  8. S

    Tobacco infested water swallowed?

    Hello.. i'm a 17 year old 113-115KG male and i was smoking weed out of a bucket 2 days ago... I don't know why i agreed too do it (smoke it out off a bucket) but it was disgusting and i won't do that again. Go joints :P Now this was the first time i was smoking out of a bucket and i didn't...
  9. C

    Help - i had oral sex and swallowed but i'm worried pregnant. should i take...

    ...laxative or morning after pill? i swallowed this afternoon and i'm worried that i will get pregnant. should i take a laxative or morning afternoon pill. please help. a child is not my plan, i want to go to college.
  10. J

    Accidentally swallowed my guitar pick? um lol?

    i was chewing on it and I accidentally swallowed it. It'll just come out my poop in a few days right?? In case your wondering, yes, I'm a teenager.
  11. G

    My dog swallowed a packet of mild taco bell hot sauce. Please help!?

    While the packet was in his mouth, he punctured the packet, and swallowed the hot sauce and the plastic packet. This occurred as i chased him and did all I could to get it away. I finally got to him and when i opened his mouth it was too late. I gave him water and he had a good amount. Are thee...
  12. K

    I think me Bearded Dragon swallowed some fuzz, will he be okay?

    Okay so ive been feeding my bearded dragon on my bed because i am housing him on sand and he is young, so to avoid impact that's what i do. So today i think he might have swallowed a little fuzz and i'm scared to death, he is my everything, i love him so much. Will he be alright?
  13. Y

    My dog swallowed a needle? Opinion please?

    My mom happened to be sewing and fighting with my dad, while this happened, our puppy got ahold of the needle she dropped and swallowed it. We took him to the vet asap, and found out the price of the surgery is very pricey. My parents are deciding whether to get a loan for the surgery. The vet...
  14. G

    We are being swallowed up by the generic meta

    Hat tip: Casaubon's Book Read the comments on this post... More...
  15. R

    My little dog swallowed some hemp rope.Some came out.Should I take her to the vet...

    ...or wait it out? It's been about 24 hrs.She is throwing up some yellowish liquid.She doesn't seem to be in pain.She's drinking,eating a little.She's urinating but nothing else since yesterday.At what point should I take her in?
  16. K

    Am i gunna like die because i swallowed this?

    i swallowed like a mouth full of water from the pool today.... I feel fine in all but lately im scared fo EVERYTHING. i always used to swallow water younger when i was little no biggy i didnt thik of it. now im scared somthing will be wroing with me.. Im just puttng theese words in my head...
  17. S

    help!!quick!!doctor?? advice!! My drunk friend just swallowed a pointy at

    least half inch maybe inch? inch and a half earring, should he throw up? or what should we do"?
  18. J

    I swallowed an ice cube?

    I swallowed one by accident about 20 mins ago..... am i going to die??/ please help!!!
  19. S

    my pup swallowed a condom!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    my 3 month old pup swallowed a condom and i'm too scared now! will he be fine???? i don't know where he got the condom from but swallowed it whole right in front of my eyes!! please reply fast its urgent!
  20. G

    there was an old lady who swallowed a fly, but why?

    i looked up the lyrics to this song and it makes sense to a point. the order goes: fly, spider, bird, cat, dog, goat, cow, horse; now why would she swallow a goat to catch a dog, a cow to catch a goat, and a horse to catch cow?