
  1. L

    Any alternative songs sung by a girl?

    I have to lip sing in my theater arts class.The thing is that i can only think of pop music that a girl would sing, but I want alternative or rock. Can you tell me any alternative or rock songs that are sung by a girl?
  2. L

    What are the names of the songs by mirinda cosgrove sung on the today show?

    the songs that she sung on the todayshow today (9/6/10)
  3. O

    Who sung the original acoustic 'somewhere over the rainbow' as sung in the...

    ...glee finale? I have this little obsession that whever i hear a glee song, i compare it to the original version and see which is better... I'm weird like that. I love the acoustic version of 'somewhere over the rainbow' sung by Puck and Mr Schuh, but i'm having trouble tracing it back to who...
  4. T

    What group sung the altered choir-based version of Poe's The Bells? (known...

    ...lyrics inside)? I remember it was mostly vocal, and the only musical instruments heard were 1. reminiscent of a standing pipes kit (The thick, long pipes that get hit on the top with a wooden mallet), and 2. a wooden slatted percussion block. A few of the lyrics I remember, I looked up, but...
  5. W

    Beautiful slow song (sung by woman), in series 2, dvd 1 of UK show skins?

    Its not automation by desiree duvring but it may be by her, sounds simliar. Cannot find iit on the skinsis music list but may have missed it. If you know the name i would greatly appreciate it!!!
  6. C

    Who sings this song la la la la la la its acoustic and sung by a girl?

    i don't know the lyrics but there are some lyrics that sound something like........ so save me...... na na na na la la la its not a fast song its like a easy and mellow sweet romantic and its acoustic guitar i think... can anybody help greatly appreciated...... btw its not yael naim
  7. G

    help with a turkish song sung by a young female ?

    ive posted this question a long time ago and didnt seem to get the answer hoping someone could help lol. i know i do not have a lot of information she was on a turkish new years concert/show a couple of years ago blonde hair shoulder length age late 20s to mid 30s wearing a blue short sparkly...
  8. J

    what is song it really annyoing me i thnk its called hollywood and its sung by a guy?

    it a a dance song and it say evrybody in the club put your hands up and say, hollywod ... its old any helpp :(( think its called hollywood
  9. S

    What are some mid 90's songs sung by girl artists.?

    The ones that only made it out with 3 songs
  10. S

    American Idol What songs was sung when Jermar Rogers left the show tonight.?

    American Idol what was the song that was sung when Jermar Rogers left the show tonight. Some of the lyrics were still falling .... again inside........... like two strangers turing into dark
  11. F

    whats the title of the song sung by Jim Carrey in his latest movie Yes Man?

    Im a rock fan and the song plus artist who sung the song that JC did while trying to get some dude down from the edge has eluded me.Anyone whos watched the movie and can help me out?
  12. H

    what is being sung at the beginning of UFC pay per view fights....?

    anyone know