
  1. G

    planning to sell greeting cards and don't want to get sued...?

    I've been making simple handmade greeting cards using my own artwork as well as store-bought embellishments and papers. (I also use fonts I've downloaded online, but only free ware fonts). I'm not making the money I used to and when a stranger brought to my attention that my cards were actually...
  2. A

    Will "my friend" get sued for using Bittorrent?

    "My friend" has stopped using bittorrent for downloading and is ordering cable television, so please don't scold me... I mean him. I am wondering what the likelihood is of getting sued by the MPAA for downloading television shows on bittorrent in the past. I know that they've been suing...
  3. M

    Would I be sued if I used the Chrysler "Mopar" logo for my forum?

    If I use the Mopar logo would Chrysler Group LLC sue me if I used their Mopar logo in the design of my logo?
  4. N

    Can you get sued for putting sex stories on the internet?

    me and my friend want to make sex stories and publish them on the internet to try to make some money but we want to know if we can get in troublefor doing this?
  5. C

    is it true that avril lavigne got sued?

    i heard someone saying that avril got sued .
  6. G

    Miley Cyrus being sued for 4 billion!!!!?

    miley cyrus had a picture of her leaked where she was apperently "mocking asians".Lucie J. Kim claims to represent more than 1 million Asian Pacific Islanders who live in LA County: 'When Miley posed for the photo she knew or should have known that her image would be publicly disseminated via...
  7. E

    Did you hear the Skull and Bones is being sued? Oh only exists in

    conspiracy theories...? Way to go Prescott Bush! @Karl k: Actually the 'theory' suggests that there is a 'conspiracy' amongst the members that they discuss and enact policy unbeknownst to the American people it affects. However, one can't...
  8. D

    I crashed a bike, now I'm being sued- what do I do? READ DETAILS?

    I'm being sued for 4000 for damages on this bike. The owner said (at the time of the crash), that it wasn't a big deal and I could just buy the bike from him for 1000. That was fine. He wasn't insured at the time and so, since this was a friend I didn't call anyone (Police, insurance ect). I was...
  9. D

    Will and can Bill Gates get sued for releasing a cloud of mosquitoes at a...

    ...convention meeting? I know he was tying to make a point, but what if it caused undo stress and worse, like a heart attack or a stampede towards the doors. Pretty stupid for one of the richest men right? Your thoughts?
  10. S

    Can you get sued for making a bad celeb website?

    My friend made a bad website about a certain celebrity and another friends mom said she could get sued. But I thought FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!
  11. A

    How do all the internet live streams that show UFC events for free not get sued?

    I know they work, so Dana White must know it too. How are they still in business?